Proposal for ESS DTL Roadmap. Divide Into Four Phases 1.Conceptual Design Phase (In progress) 2.Technical Design Phase 3.Prototyping Phase 4.Construction.


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Presentation transcript:

Proposal for ESS DTL Roadmap

Divide Into Four Phases 1.Conceptual Design Phase (In progress) 2.Technical Design Phase 3.Prototyping Phase 4.Construction Phase Complete project duration 5.25 yrs +/- 1 yrs – Starting April 2013 – Estimated by ESS

Conceptual Design Phase Funding – Work covered by the current Swedish Italian Contract – Work performed by INFN Deliverables – Decide on the beam current (done) – Decide on the energy range – Decide on configuration (Before June 2013) Decide on the voltage profile Beam Dynamics Number of tanks – Prototyping Plan Covers high risk components of the DTL Couplers, drift tubes, etc Description of conditions – RF Design (Sept 2013) – Mechanical and Thermal Design (Nov 2013) – Produced 3D model and associated calculations documentation Complete by Jan 2014

Technical Design Phase Funding – Work covered by the current Swedish Italian Contract – From a technical viewpoint, the partner (INFN) who completed the conceptual design phase would be the best choice to do this work. Deliverables – Milestone Plan for Construction Phase Describes the period from the delivery of final technical specifications to site acceptance at Lund Types of milestones – When to order tanks, – When to machine, – Etc. – Factory acceptance test plan – Site acceptance test plan – Functional technical specifications & associated drawings Duration months (estimated by ESS)

Prototyping Phase Funding – Not clear if work covered by the current Swedish Italian Contract – From a technical viewpoint, the partner who completed the technical design phase would be the best choice to do this work. Deliverables – Covers high risk components of the DTL – Execution of the Prototyping Plan specified in the Conceptual Design Phase – Prototyping Results Duration months (estimated by ESS)

Construction Funding – Work not covered by the current Swedish Italian Contract – Awarded to the best Expression of Interest From a technical viewpoint, the partner who has completed the Prototyping Phase would be the best choice to do this work. Deliverables – Covers from period from the delivery of final technical specifications to site acceptance of the DTL System at Lund – Execution of the Milestone Plan developed during the Technical Design – Complete DTL system delivered to Lund Duration months (estimated by ESS)

Next Steps ESS figures out how fund: – Technical Design Phase – Prototyping Phase Get April 5, 2013 meeting notes and ESS Design Update talk to CEA Continue to update the conceptual design for the new baseline Next face-to-face meeting June 2013