Agenda Do now: 2 Options I. Current events to teach about Bloom’s Taxonomy (or we can do this later, See slide # 9) –SS in the news (SS and LA ) –Science in the News II. Essential Questions (please look at slide # 4 and we can use the feature slide) Understanding by Design PPT Slides Group Work: –Continue work on graphic organizer –Work on Stage 1 in UbD Lesson Planning
Designing Instruction Getting Started
Formulating a Question (for inquiry): Do Now: GO into your content groups. Look at your notes and the core curriculum pages you got from last week. Think about: What is main idea/ process/ skill do I want my student to learn and understand? Take 5 minutes to formulate ONE INTRIGUING question that can drive student learning and study in your unit. Use large paper to write legibly the question and Reflection; which question intrigued to learn more and why?
Essential Questions: Are not answerable with finality in brief sentence Should stimulate thought Should provoke inquiry Are broad – full of transfer possibilities Enable us to uncover the real richness of a topic Ultimately highlight big ideas
Backward Design Its always Backwards!!! Over-arching questions: What do I want to achieve? What do I want my students to learn? Key Ideas/ Themes/ Concepts Why is this important? Inquiry or Essential Questions Goals and Objectives How can I tell that they have learned what I wanted them to learn? Evaluation & Assessment What are ways (plans) for students to learn what I want them to learn?
3 Stages of Backwards Design I. Identify Desired Results II. Determine Acceptable Evidence III.Plan Learning Experiences and Instruction
Specificity Pyramid Goals Questions Learning Standards of set curriculum Examples Science Performance, LiteracyPerformance Literacy Objectives and Assessments Connect activity goals and to assessment Your own articulated objectives: Content/Performance/ Skills
Goals & Objectives Can be varied: Cognitive Affective Psychomotor Also can be: Content Performance Multiple Intelligence
Objectives Higher order thinking and understandings/ lower order thinking and understandings Blooms Taxonomy (similar to Ch.4): –Knowledge: Remember/ recall ex. list, recognize, define, etc.. – Comprehension: ex. describe, explain, compare, summarize. –Application Solve new problems using a rules, principles, processes, etc… Ex. Apply, provide an example,
Blooms Taxonomy (Cnt’d) Analysis –Identify causes and relations, look for evidence –e.x: identify causes of ---, provide evidence of -- -, formulate a conclusion about --- drawing on --- Synthesis –Construct a produce, define a question for inquiry and determine how to tackle it –Ex. create, Evaluation –Ex. evaluate, critique, substantiate, judge the effectiveness of X policy
Here it is good to give example of different understanding Example: Language arts: symbolism –Define –Find it in a poem –Make ones up –Compare to other literary --- –Evaluate the quality of Science: photosynthesis –Define –Write the reaction etc….
Activity: Complete Mapping + Stage 1 Get back into your groups and continue working on map You will get a STAGE 1 TEMPLATE to also fill as you work on map Lets stop at 8:00
Next Week’s assignment: first Lesson Plan (in two weeks + interview) For November 18 you will write a one period lesson plan based on Interview with student (please see handout)* –Step 1: Interview –Step 2: Leson plan Read ch 3, 4, & 5 Wiggins, G. (1989). The futility of trying to teach everything. Educational Leadership, 47(2), 44-48,
Things to think about and consider For One Lesson What are possible ideas (may be alternative conceptions) that students have about this topic? What activity may help students understand this idea?
Short Activity: impromptu Design Next time Start on your lesson plan NOW. In your content groups go back to the map you created using the core curriculum. EACH ONE needs to choose one or two BUBBLES that you would like to design a lesson on. Think of an driving question. What are your goals and objectives What activity can you do?
Tips: You can beg borrow or steal! Do a web search or use text books. Be creative, move away from lecture; think inquiry… BUT You need to make it your own. Get ideas by re-write as your own. Reference adequately any source you use.