1 The CERN project for a common Front-End Software Architecture A. Guerrero (2), J.-J. Gras (2), J.-L. Nougaret (1), M. Ludwig (2), M. Arruat (1), S. Jackson (2) CERN (1) Accelerator & Beams Division / Control Group / FE&C (2) Accelerator & Beams Division / Beam instrumentation Group
2 CERN Front-end software architecture Outline 1.FESA framework project presentation 2.Model 3.Method & Software tools
3 1. Project A framework to rationalize front-end software development…
4 CERN Front-end software architecture Front-end software role On-demand updates RT reflect each-other
5 CERN Front-end software architecture Front-end software framework Motivation Overcome diversity of front-end software that emerged over many years. Homogenize equipment software development as part of a organizational structure change (all accelerators managed by a single division). Abstract common layer to hide some accelerator discrepancies.
6 CERN Front-end software architecture Front-end software framework Objective Encapsulate recurrent aspects of FE-software development as reusable code to be tailored on a case-by-case basis (beyond pattern & templates)
7 2. Model Overcoming front-end software diversity through abstraction…
8 CERN Front-end software architecture Static view FesaEventSourceFesaAction FesaServerAction ConcreteServerActionConcreteRtAction 10..n clone0..n FesaDevice ConcreteDevice FesaRtAction ConcreteScheduler 0..1 listens to triggering 0..* orchestrates FesaScheduler consuming producing FesaEvent FesaSubscriptionEventSource FesaRequestEventSource FesaRtEventSource FesaSubscriptionEvent FesaRequestEvent FesaRtEvent
9 CERN Front-end software architecture EventSourceSchedulerActionDevice Dynamic view Event produces consume access for ever execute( event *) device loop fesaWaitEvent() apply scheduling algorithm access context (optional)
10 3. Method State equipment-software specification in standard-form and rely on productivity tools…
11 CERN Front-end software architecture Workflow
12 CERN Front-end software architecture Conclusions Work in progress… Already adopted by instrumentation specialists. Will be applied to new equipment software development. More work ahead on device-data model, communications and tools. … that brings short-term benefits… Modern OO environment for front-end software programming. Share knowledge on front-end programming and make it explicit. Encapsulate some tedious, recurrent programming tasks. … and long-term prospects… Ease maintenance by structuring equipment-specialist code. Infrastructure and specialist code evolve independently. Pave the way for formal analysis of real-time software.