Programming & Software Development Pathway Antonio Rangel 5 th Period
Software Engineer Software engineer’s analyze users’, then they test and make software. Recommend software upgrades for customers. They also collaborate with other computer specialist to make software.
Environment Some people work in computer and electronic industries. Some also telecommute.
Significant Point A lot of software developers work long hours. For example in 2010 more than ¼ worked more than 40 hours a week.
Requirements A Bachelor’s degree in Science and Math. You also need a lot of skills such as Analytical, Communication, Creativity, Customer-Service, Problem Solving, Teamwork, and Technical skills.
Employment In 2010 there was about 910,000 Software Developers. So there quite a few openings. In 2020 they guessed that there would be about 1,200,000 Software Developers.
Job Outlook The rate of growth in this career is 30 percent. The reason there a lot of Software Developers, it’s because of the need of new computer software.
Earnings The Median wage in this job is about $88,000. They earn $43.52 a hour.
Summary Overall this career is not to bad. I would like to be a Software Developer. I like to work with computers and new software. Plus the pay is decent.