Chapter 3 Section 2 Particular Crimes
Crimes Against People Murder –First Degree(premeditation, while committing a felony) –Second Degree Manslaughter(accidental) –Voluntary-kills suddenly as result of personal distress) –Involuntary-committing unlawful or reckless act Hate Crimes Assault & Battery Kidnapping Sex Offenses Domestic Violence
According to the Department of Justice…. In 2007, U.S. residents age 12 or older experienced approximately 23 million crimes, according to findings from the National Crime Victimization Survey % (17.5 million) were property crimes -- 23% (5.2 million) were crimes of violence -- 1% (194,100) were personal thefts In 2007, for every 1,000 persons age 12 or older, there occurred --1 rape or sexual assault --1 assault with injury --2 robberies. Murders were the least frequent violent victimization -- about 6 murder victims per 100,000 persons in 2007.
Crimes Against Property Burglary-breaking and entering with intent to commit a felony or misdemeanor Larceny-legal term for stealing Embezzlement-taking someone’s property when you have been entrusted with it. Robbery Arson Vandalism Shoplifting
Motor Vehicle Violations Driver’s license can be suspended temporarily or permanently States have statutes that forbid the following: – Drag Racing- two vehicles running side by side on a prearranged course – Joyriding- temporarily taking a vehicle without the owner’s permission Everyone involved is liable, not just driver
Crimes Involving Controlled Substances Alcohol –Under age drinking –Contributing to a Minor –Driving while under the influence Drugs –Possession –Use –Selling –Giving them away
Computer Crimes Federal –Computer Fraud and Abuse Act- aimed at hackers that gain unauthorized use to a computer State –Theft of Computer Services –Destruction of Equipment –Misuse of computer information
Felony vs. Misdemeanors 1 st degree murder 2 nd degree murder Manslaughter-voluntary Manslaughter- involuntary Battery Assault Kidnapping Shoplifting Sex Offenses Domestic Violence Hate Crimes Burglary Larceny Embezzlement Robbery Arson Vandalism
Felony vs. Misdemeanors Motor Vehicle Violations Crimes w/controlled substance Computer Crimes