appositional growth lacunae articular cartilage ossification canaliculi osteoblasts comminuted fracture osteoclasts compact bone osteocytes compound fracture osteon (Haversian system) compression fracture periosteum diaphysis rickets epiphyseal plate sesamoid bones epiphyses Sharpey's fibers greenstick fracture simple fracture hematopoiesis spongy bone (24) 2
I. Bones (overview) A. skeleton subdivisions 1. axial skeleton – bones that form longitudinal axis of body 2. appendicular skeleton – bones of limbs and girdles B. bone functions 1. support a. forms internal framework b. supports and anchors all soft organs 2. protection protect soft body organs 3. movement attachment for skeletal muscles via tendons 3
4. storage a. stores fat in internal cavities b. storehouse for minerals (> imp. is Ca & P) 5. blood cell formation a. also called hematopoiesis b. occurs in marrow cavities of certain bones c. red marrow blood cells 4
C. bone classification 1. 2 basic types of bone (osseous) tissue: a. compact bone – dense, looks smooth and homogeneous b. spongy bone – composed of small needle-like pieces of bone & open space 2. classified according to shape: a. long bones 1. longer than they are wide 2. have a shaft w/ both ends 3. bones of limbs (except wrist & ankle) 5
b. short bones 1. usu. cube-shaped & spongy bone 2. bones of wrist & ankle 3. sesamoid bones – *special type of short bone *form w/i tendons (patella) c. flat bones 1. thin, flattened, usu. curved 2. layer of spongy bone b/t 2 layers of compact bone 3. most bones of skull d. irregular bones 1. vertebrae (make up spinal col.) 2. hip bones (coxal) 6
yellow Long – yellow light green Short – light green purple Flat – purple light blue Irregular – light blue orange Sesamoid – orange red Axial skeleton – red blue Appendicular skeleton - blue 7
D. Long bone structure 1. gross anatomy a. diaphysis *shaft *makes up most of bone’s length *composed of compact bone b. periosteum *protective membrane-covering of diaphysis c. Sharpey’s fibers *also called perforating fibers *c.t. fibers that secure periosteum to bone 8
d. epiphyses *ends of long bones *area of spongy bone enclosed in thin layer of compact bone e. articular cartilage *covers external surface of epiphyses *glassy hyaline cartilage *provides a smooth, slippery surface to reduce joints f. epiphyseal plate *flat plate of hyaline cartilage *seen in young, growing bone *causes lengthwise growth of a long bone 9
g. medullary cavity *also called the yellow marrow cav. *cavity of the shaft *adults storage area for adipose tissue *infants contains red marrow & forms blood cells (adults: red marrow is found only in spongy bone cavities of flat bones & epiphyses) 10
dark green Epiphysis – dark green light green Epiphyseal line – light green brown Diaphysis – brown purple Articular cartilage – purple blue Periosteum – blue red Spongy bone/red marrow – red pink Compact bone – pink yellow Medullary cavity/yellow marrow – yellow orange Nutrient artery - orange 12
2. microscopic anatomy a. osteocytes *mature bone cells b. lacunae *tiny cavities w/i matrix *contain osteocytes c. lamella *concentric circles in wh/ lacunae are arranged d. Haversian canals *central canals around wh/ the lamella form NOTE: see page 92 for micrograph of the structure of bone 13
e. osteon *also called Haversian system *each complex consisting of a central canal + matrix rings *canals run lengthwise carrying blood vessels & nerves to all areas of bone f. canaliculi *transportation system *connect bone cells to nutrient supply *radiate o/w from the central canals to all lacunae *reason bone cells are well nourished 14
3. bone markings (pg.134) a. fossa *shallow, basinlike depression in a bone *may serve as an articular surface b. fissure *narrow, slit-like opening c. foramen *round/oval opening through a bone *for blood vessels &/ nerves 18
Fossa Fissure 19 Foramen
E. Bone formation, growth, remodeling 1. formation & growth a. ossification *process of bone formation *2 phases -osteoblasts (bone forming cells) cover hyaline cartilage -hyaline cartilage is digested away forming medullary cavity b. appositional growth *increase in diameter of bone c. osteoclasts *bone-destroying cells 20
2. bone remodeling a. nec. for bones to retain normal prop. & strength as body increases in size & strength b. PTH (parathyroid hormone) *determines when bone is to be broken down(body needs calcium)/formed (has to much Ca) *stresses (muscle pull, gravity) determine where bone matrix is to be broken down/formed c. allows skeleton to remain as strong & vital as possible during growth, injury, etc. 22
F. Problems 1. Rickets a. childhood disease in wh/bones fail to calcify b. bones soften bowing of legs c. usu. due to lack of Ca or lack of Vit. D wh/ is needed to absorb Ca into bloodstream 24
2. Fractures (bone breaks) a.simple (closed) *bone breaks cleanly *does NOT penetrate the skin b. compound (open) *bone ends penetrate through the skin Simple fracture Compound fracture 25
c. comminuted fracture *bone breaks i/t many fragments *common in elderly (bones are more brittle) d. compression fracture *bone is crushed *common in porous bones e. greenstick *incomplete break *common in children (flexible bones) comminuted compression Greenstick 26
3. fracture repair (pg. 138) 4 mj. Events: a.hematoma forms blood-filled swelling b. break is splintered by a fibrocartilage callus c. bony callus is formed fibrocartilage is gradually replaced by spongy bone d. bone remodeling occurs 27