CHAPTER 12 MANIFEST DESTINY CH. 13- SEC. 1 OREGON COUNTRY Pgs Objective: Explain why large numbers of settlers headed for the Oregon Territory……..and Understand how the idea of Manifest Destiny contributed to the nations growth.
BACKGROUND OF OREGON TERRITORY INCLUDED: Oregon, Washington, Idaho, parts of Wyoming, Montana and Canada. Rocky Mtns on the east while the Pacific Ocean was on the west. Climates varied-----Lands west of the Cascade Mtns. enjoyed mild temps and lots of rain….lands east was dry plateau. Wealth lay in the fur business.(beaver) WHO CLAIMED THE LAND? Russia, Spain, Britain and the U.S. Britain based their claim on the explorations of Sir. Francis Drake(1579)( U.S. based their claim on the voyage of Robert Gray(1792) Astoria—first American settlement on the Pacific Coast 1818-Britain and the U.S. agree to share the land for 10 years..Spain and Russia gave up their claims in 1825, (Joint Occupation)
THE MOUNTAIN MEN Rough and tumble group of explorers. Lived a tough, lonesome life…. Had to haul six to eight heavy traps on his back. Some nights, he went to bed hungry. Learned many trapping skills from the Native Americans. Summer-they headed to a meeting place called the RENDEZVOUS. WHY THESE GUYS ARE IMPORTANT? –1. James Beckwourth—found a pass through the Sierra Nevada Mtns. to California. (African-American) –2. Jim Bridger- rode across the Great Divide— –3. Manuel Lisa- founded the first outpost on the upper Missouri River. –4. Robert Stuart and Jedediah Smith found the South Pass (later becomes the main route of the Oregon Trail)
UPCOMING CHANGES Merchant- John Jacob Astor set up a trading post in the area…1808 he established the American Fur Company. Mountain Men saw changes coming as the covered wagons came. Most became out of work and became farmers. Others became guides for wagon trails. Their best route= THE OREGON TRAIL. Between …60,000 people traveled the Trail. Bank Panic of 1837 made many in the Mississippi Valley want to get a new start.
TRAVELING THE TRAIL Most people used prairie schooners….and formed wagon trains Most left Independence, Missouri in May and had five months to cross the Rockies. 2,000 mile journey Hundreds never reached Oregon… Why? –1. Disease----cholera and smallpox –2. Died----drowned in rivers or accidents. –Native Americans did help out. 1.Provided them with horses, clothing and food. 2. some were guides
JAYCEE LOVES FINNY Marriage is great Finstad loves me back Don’t deny it,your face is red finny
Dividing Oregon and Manifest Destiny Most settlers headed for the WILLAMETTE VALLEY …..which made the American population there about 5,000 while the British population remained about 500. America’s vision before 1800 was to serve a a model of democracy and freedom… it changed to “spread freedom by occupying the entire continent” Adams-Onis treaty kinda helped this. 1840’s…New York news editor John O’Sullivan declared it was America’s “Manifest Destiny” to possess the whole of the continent.
FIFTY-FOUR FORTY OR FIGHT Most Americans favored annexing Oregon. ELECTION OF 1844 Henry Clay (Whig) didn’t take a strong position on Oregon. James K. Polk (Democrat) ran for President and he agreed with annexing Oregon people……FIFTY-FOUR FORTY OR FIGHT was his motto This meant he demanded that the border be expanded to that parallel which was the southern boundary of Alaska. Polk wins the election—because of a third party (Liberty Party) took Clay’s vote in New York ---and immediately begins negotiations with Britain………border is set at 49 degrees north Oregon becomes a territory in 1848 and a state in 1859.