Needs of the Elderly Health
Facts about the Elderly and Health As people grow older, they are more likely to suffer from illness. Ill health is not suffered equally by all elderly people. As people get older, they do make more use of medical services in the National Health Service.
The Elderly and Disability From age 75 onwards there are more people with some kind of disability than without any.
Increasing levels of disability mean: more medicines prescribed
The Elderly and Disability MMore mobility aids
MMore hospital visits
MMore surgical operations
MMore demands on GPs
MMore home-based nursing care
Primary Health Care and the Elderly Primary care is treatment and care provided outwith hospitals. This type of care concentrates on health centres, doctor’s surgeries and community clinics.
Primary Care Health Teams Family doctors (GPs) who give medical treatment and care, and who also work with other health care workers.
Primary Health Care Teams District nurses care for people discharged from hospital or who are too ill to visit a surgery.
Primary Care Health Teams Practice nurses hold clinics for a variety of medical conditions and carry out minor treatments.
Health visitors can give advice and support to elderly people in their homes.
Occupational therapists help elderly people overcome a disability, by providing walking frames, handrails, bath lifts, etc.
Physiotherapists help elderly people to improve their mobility.
Speech therapists help people whose language has been affected by a stroke.
Chiropodists deal with foot problems such as ingrown toenails.
Dieticians advise on healthy eating