Local Advertising Program
All businesses face the same challenges ◦ How to get: More customers More market share Additional revenue Increased bottom line Tune In And Earn Local Advertising is the best way to do this!
“There is only one valid definition of a businesses’ purpose; to create a customer. Companies are not in business to make things… but to make customers.” ◦ Peter Ferdinand Drucker The Father of Modern Management and a Social Ecologist
A website that pays you CASH BACK for shopping at stores you probably already shop! More than 1,100 to choose from!
Tune In And Earn also has an incredible referral program. When you refer a friend and they shop using Tune In And Earn, you earn 10% matching referral cash!
Membership is FREE! It takes only a few seconds to join.
Online retailers save money on inventory and overhead costs. TAE gets a commission when members shop at a store, like eBags, by going through TAE first, then TAE shares these commissions with its members!
“More and more people reach for their mouse when they need a plumber, baker, mechanic, spa, hat store or whatever.” Get your business inside this rapidly growing online trend – become a Local Advertiser!
Tune In And Earn’s local listings are drawn from a central database that serves dozens of sites. This means you won’t just get new customers from TAE, but from all of those others sites too!
Logo and Name Description Location Information ◦ Address ◦ Phone ◦ Hours Map Coupons Ratings and Reviews
A single business can have an unlimited number of locations, both: No additional charge! Locallyand Nationally
SEO comes standard with every Listing! ◦ We ask you to issue a Coupon, Promotion or Special ◦ We drive rankings on engines like Google and Bing ◦ Search criteria is based on search terms: City, Coupon(s), Special, Rebate, Free, Discount, and Business Specific Terms ◦ We basically end up with: (City)(Business)(Coupon) For example: Brookfield Acupressure Coupon *first page ranking is common but not guaranteed
Copyright © 2010 Pinnacle Communications int'l, Inc.13 Customized page with ◦ Logo and description ◦ Map, store hours and contact information ◦ Coupons, ratings and reviews ◦ Search engine optimized internet presence ◦ Free Tune In And Earn memberships Back office tools for ◦ Listing set-up ◦ Creating coupons ◦ Adding locations ◦ Building an database of customers ◦ Feedback approval system All for only $ per year
Copyright © 2010 Pinnacle Communications int'l, Inc.14 More people come into your store You get more traffic and business from your web site You move to the front of search engines Customers redeem your specials and coupons The free gift of the TAE membership builds customer loyalty, your database and your revenue For less than a cup of coffee! $1.64/Day
Thank you for allowing us to share the Local Advertising program with you. Become a Local Advertiser Now!