Emergency Medical Workgroup Charge: –Identify the communications needs and requirements of emergency medical users; –Review proposals by other work groups.


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Presentation transcript:

Emergency Medical Workgroup Charge: –Identify the communications needs and requirements of emergency medical users; –Review proposals by other work groups as it relates to the needs of emergency medical users. –Key deliverables: Statement of Requirements (SoR) Use cases Progress:

EMWG Report Organization Introduction Where we are now –Planning –Operability –Interoperability Where we want to be –Planning –Operability –Interoperability How we get there –Planning –Operability –Interoperability

How We Get There Recommendations 1.Federal Interagency & Advisory Committee 2.Changes to Federal Communications Grant Guidance 3.Develop Model State Legislation 4.Additional Funding

How We Get There 1. Federal Interagency Committee on Emergency Communications –Federal Agency Coordination –Coordinated by USDHS/OIC-OEC –Well-funded State/Local Advisory Committee Public Safety/EMS/Public Health/Health Facilities DOT/PW/Amateur Radio/Other State/Local Government –Develop System and Component Standards –Provide Strong Central Guidance & Performance Measures –Track National Progress

How We Get There 2. Change Federal Grant Guidance –Emergency Medical and Public Health Interests Represented in Planning and SCIPS –Assure On-Going EMS/PH Participation –Require Operational Testing and Excercises

How We Get There 3. Model State Legislation –EMS Communications Plan Required Must Be Coordinated With SCIP EMS/Health/Medical/Represented on SIEC Must Encourage Prioritized Development: –Basic Operability: Fix 1970’s Infrastructure –Basic Operability: Statewide System Development and Coordination (Not Ad Hoc) –Basic Operability: Redundancy and Hardening –Basic Interoperability: Routine Daily Communications Among EMS, Public Health and Facilities –Basic Interoperability: Move Right On SafeCom Interoperability Continuum

How We Get There 4. Secure Additional Funding –Program to Project and Secure Needed Bandwidth and Other Resources –Rural/Frontier EMS and Telemedicine Systems for Community Paramedicine –EMS Agencies Eligible for Universal Service program Funds –Define EMS personnel as public safety personnel under the Stafford Act –CMS Fund Advanced Technology Communications/Information Systems as ED Uncompensated Care for EMS Oversight

EM Work Group Plan: –Consensus on Recommendations –Reverse Engineer Previous Sections Process: –Conference call 12/7 4PM ET –NASEMSO/NAEMSP/NPSTC Review 12/11 –Next Call: 12/20 2:30 – 4:00 PM ET