Ansia Jalani Ed Fall 2009
Introduction Statement of Problem Review of Related Literature Statement of Hypothesis
Teasing and bullying is a problem with school aged children, no matter what type of school it is. From my experience teachers/staff do not address it the way it should be addressed. The problem is increasingly growing. Students at school X are constantly complaining about the behavior of other students towards them and nothing is done about it. The purpose of this research/study is to find out can a bully change their behavior for the better toward his/her peers?
Bullying is seen as a worldwide problem and the issue has started to generate more research/interest on the topic in recent years. (Hymel & Swearer, 2008) Bullying is broken down into different categories: overt, indirect, relational, cyber bullying, physical, verbal, psychological. (Bauman, 2008;Morrison 2008) Research has also found that gender does not play a huge factor in who is the bully and who is the victim (DeRosier, 2004; Kartal, 2008).
Literature suggests that school staff (teachers and administrators) do not have enough time in their day to manage students in the classroom/school. They do not enough time talk to children about bullying either. Therefore they cannot help students who need it. (Buckthorpe, Craighead, Lee, McCormack 2008; Ryan 2009) Schools need better strategies to deal with bullies and their victims. Both parties have a hard time dealing with the issue, even after the bullying is over. There can be effects like depression and anxiety. (Edstorm, Frey, Hirschstein, Snell, 2009; Bradshaw & O’Brennan, 2007;Bauman 2008;Hall, 2008)
Literature also suggests that families should have a role in combating the issue of bullying. It all starts from home. (Georgiou 2008) There are a number of intervention programs out, but the time and effort is not put into the programs to help resolve the issue.
H1- After the treatment there will be a positive change in the students. There will be a decrease in the teasing and bullying of students by students. Students will not feel helpless anymore against their bully.