Bell-Ringer What is a “defense mechanism”? Why do we use them? What is the best way for you to relieve stress? What are the steps of the stress cycle? Name one defense mechanism you use often, and what it means. What is the “Fight or Flight” response?
Bullying, Decision- Making, & Peer Pressure How to get through the teen years without letting these 3 things get you down.
What is Bullying? Anyone who repeatedly makes someone else hurt emotionally or physically. This person preys on the weak, trying to take advantage of others, and prove their dominance.
Roles in a bullying situation The Bully Usually bullies others because of a low self esteem, former experience being bullied, or a fear of not being accepted. Bullies can use cyber bullying, pressuring others, blackmail, physical bullying, and much more.
Bullying others does not make you cool. It makes others scared to be your friend because they don’t know what you’d say or do to them.
The Victim This person usually becomes a target because of differences they might have, but not always. They usually stay victims because they haven’t mustered up the courage yet to stand up for themselves. If you are being bullied, take a stand! Tell your bully you will not stand for this, and do what you can to get your bully to stop. Then, tell and adult and be open with the adult until the bullying stops.
Being confident is bully repellant! Love who you are and let the bully know that there is nothing about you that they can exploit. Then, stand up for others who are bullied as well.
The Bystander Bystanders are those who see the bullying going on and do nothing to stop it. They usually do this for fear of being bullied themselves. It can be argued that bystanders are just as dangerous as the bullies because they could make a positive difference, but instead are okay with others being hurt. What would you do VIDEO
Help other people being bullied EVERY time. No matter who it is or what their doing. Because “a person’s a person, no matter how small.”
Activity How would you treat people if you could read their inner thoughts? Everyone’s fighting a battle of some kind, so treat them how you’d want to be treated because you never know what that battle is for them.
Here’s a project idea. Launching any kind of school-wide anti- bullying activity can help a lot.
Decision-Making The decisions you make during this phase of your life can affect you for the rest of your life.
The phase of development that your brain is in puts you in jeopardy for poor decision making. This is why parents and teachers set up rules for teenagers. We want to protect you from making a permanent mistake.
Things to consider before making a decision Is it safe? Is it healthy? Is it what I really want? Or is it what others want? Will it have negative consequences? Is it kind? Will I regret this later? What would (insert role model here) choose? How can I reap the most benefits?
What helps you when you have a tough decision? Family, friends, teachers Religion or higher power Pro & Con lists “Sleep on it” Ask those who’ve made the decision before Assessing the risks Taking your time to come to a conclusion
Peer Pressure Peer pressure happens when classmates, friends, or others continually pester you to make a certain choice. This alters usual judgment because you are then making a choice based off of wanting to fit in rather than its’ consequences.
What can peer pressure affect?
What could happen with peer pressure? Bullying may accompany a peer pressure situation, so be prepared and stand up for those around you!
Create the change you want to see! Change yourself Change your environment Change your peers Involve everyone you can (including adults)
Role Play! You and your group must show the class a situation that includes bullying, decision-making, and peer pressure. Show us a healthy way to get through it!