WP3 Biomapping summary WP3: NRM, CDF, CEFAS, DINARA, WCS Additional input: WP1, AquaMaps workgroup.


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Presentation transcript:

WP3 Biomapping summary WP3: NRM, CDF, CEFAS, DINARA, WCS Additional input: WP1, AquaMaps workgroup

WP Deliverables covered previously DeliverableDue monthCompletion Online standardized maps for predicted distributions for coastal zone species relevant to the project 13 May 2006 Yes – see AquaMaps Before-after maps with predicted distribution before and after a certain point in time 19 November 2006 Yes after slight delay – see AquaMaps

WP Deliverables covered now DeliverableDue monthCompletion? Seasonal distribution maps 25 May 2007 Yes - Seasonal distributions mapped Dynamic maps in space and time 31 Nov 2007 Yes - Various maps available in space/ time in AquaMaps, more functions soon - climate change potential distribution maps. Further population of maps, interactions and report 34 Feb 2008 Yes - Further population has been ongoing, interaction with WP1 and WP3 has taken place, report due on time (end of Feb) At least 5 publications 34Yes (by next week) – 5 published or submitted. See next slides

WP Papers PaperPublication status 1. Brugnoli, E.; Muniz, P.; Venturini, N.; and Burone, L Environmental Perturbation and Coastal Benthic Biodiversity in Uruguay. In: Irma C Willis. (Org.). Progress in Environmental Research. 1 ed. New York: Nova science Publishers Inc., 2007, v. 1, p Conand, C. and Muthiga, N. (eds) Commercial sea cucumbers: A review for the Western Indian Ocean. WIOMSA Book Series No. 5 v Graham, M. H.; Kinlan, B. P.; Druehl, L. D.; Garske, L. E. and Banks, S Deep water kelp refugia as potential hotspots of tropical marine diversity and productivity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA. 104(42) Ready, J. S., Munson, L., Hasbún, C. R. and Kullander, S. O. Los Cóbanos rocky reef, El Salvador: the need for protection of a stepping stone in the Tropical Eastern Pacific. Submitted to Journal of Fish Biology 5. Ready, J. S., Kaschner, K., South, A. B., Eastwood, P. D., Rees, T., Rius, J., Agbayani, E., Kullander, S. O. and Froese, R. Predicting the distributions of marine organisms using global occurrence data. To be submitted next week to Ecological Modelling

WP Papers ongoing Paper (lead author)Publication status 6. Global biodiversity analysis – Multi-species tools (K. Kesner-Reyes)Analysis near complete 7. Potential for predicting future distributions of species given climate change models (J. Ready) Awaiting time for database run for all species under predicted climates 8. Mapping invasive species. Known and potential future invasives of the Mediterranean (J. Ready) Draft outline, some analysis required 9. Species richness in AquaMaps: application of predictive species range mapping to identify areas of high marine fish biodiversity in Southeast Asia. (K. Kesner-Reyes) Analysis near complete 10+ Finer scale mapping for local regions/species (S. Banks, H. Nion, N. McClanahan resp.) Varying (mainly not near submission)

WP3 aims Provide access to point data* Combine this with environmental parameters to create standard maps for all species* Establish expert verification system* Provide species inventories based on above* Using climate change and other factors predict potential changes, with attention to algal blooms, invasive species* and predator prey interactions * - publicly available through AquaMaps

AquaMaps status 7,200 species now

AquaMaps status New tools

AquaMaps status Beginning to be cited Environmental data now online and available to other researchers

AquaMaps new features Expert review changes –Rating –Notes –Sort by

AquaMaps new features Global clickable map with Native/Invasives

AquaMaps new features Transects

For further consideration Climate change tools – e.g. future proofing of MPAs Expansion to Fresh Water fishes ongoing (some examples available already)