Technology Department BI.DIS general controls status R.A.Barlow EC section 27.10.15.


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Presentation transcript:

Technology Department BI.DIS general controls status R.A.Barlow EC section

Technology Department Contents October 2015R.A.Barlow2  Layout  Controls (Prototype)  Deliverables  Projections BI.DIS controls status

Technology Department 3 Expected topology for controls in BCER  5 generator racks + spare  1 electrical distribution  1 racks for signal acquisitions/timing  1 rack for SCADA, BIS and OASIS  3 PFN racks (2 PFN per rack)  1 dummy load rack  DIC for final installation (Dec 2015) Engineering Specification, BI.DIS CONTROLS, EDMS

Technology Department 4 BI.DIS power supplies, 10kV, 1A Specifications: Output Voltage, 10kV Charging Current, 1A Average Power, 5kJ/s Peak Power, 10kW Quantity, 8 of Special feature, Analogue interface & Profibus Visit to the firm, Paris, 12 th May 2015, mid-term engineering review Second visit planned, 22 th October 2015, HV reception with tests. Technical Specification for 10kV, 1 A Capacitor Charging Power Supplies for the PS Booster Distributor Kicker System, DO-28787/TE/ABT

Technology Department 5 BI.DIS power supplies, 10kV, 1A Pre-series HV testing at TECHNIX LOC/REM analogue, Profibus funct. tests O/C test, (15.min) S/C test, max. power, (1.hour) R load test, 10K, max power Thermal analysis inside PS C load, 90uf, (was 65uf) Reproducibility, < ±0.1%, is < ±0.01% Voltage ripple, < ±0.05 % p-p Long term stability test and T coefficient (to come…) Discussion on HV probe system One non-compliant problem found and will be fixed ! REM.controller North Star HV probe Rear view Internal HV divider good. RO4350 laminates.* *.RO4350B™ Laminates RO4350B™ materials are proprietary woven glass reinforced hydrocarbon/ceramics with electrical performance close to PTFE/woven glass and the manufacturability of epoxy/ glass.

Technology Department 6 Fast interlock system study, FIDS system  Functionalities studies completed  Deliverables understood  Flow diagram/VHDL (Objective early 2016)  Choice of definitive H/W scheme to be decided?  New type of FMC carrier to be developed, No VME bus  In addition, ‘Beam Interlock specification for Booster BI.DIS’ with Linac4 in draft… VME FMC Carrier (SVEC) Functional Specification BI.DIS FAST INTERLOCKS, EDMS

Technology Department 7 PLC controls/prototype for Jura6-B867 FEATURES / TECHNOLOGY CHOICES, December 2015  Siemens PLC processors, series 1500  SCADA, TIA portal  New generation of SCADA screen  EDS and AUL controller, with Siemens Safety technology  Slow control finite state machine management

Technology Department 8  FSU job TEABTECFSU-1379 (Week 42, October 2015)TEABTECFSU-1379  Fire prevention system tests passed  IGBT synchronous switching scheme simplified (snubber studies)  PFN housing thermal studies to begin (Nov 2015)  IGBT reliability runs (High rep-rate, max. settings), on- going  HV dividers testing (PCB version, DC and AC response) Pulsed power prototype for Jura6-B867

Technology Department 9 Project milestones for 867 prototype (End 2015) DESIGNDEVELOPMENTPROTOYPING PLC controlsCOMPLETED On-going Fast interlocksCOMPLETEDOn-goingNot started Power supplyCOMPLETEDDelayed delivery (OCT 2015)Not started IGBT trigger systemCOMPLETED TimingNot started

Technology Department 10 Project 2016 projection ITEMSSTATUS 1 COMPLETE GENERATOR RACK, PLC H/W only 6 unitsHardware assembly, 20 Weeks FSU time, start foreseen for spring (2016) FAST INTERLOCKS6 unitsOn going development POWER SUPPLIES6 units + 1 spareDELIVERY expected beginning 2016 IGBT trigger system6 unitsUnknown TimingTo be studiedUnknown IGBT studies, PFN thermal studiesOn-goingThrough-out 2016 in B867 PLC software, SCADA TIA, WinCCOn-goingDevellopement during 2016 AFO card production for signal8 AFO cards (fast, single ended) per gen 3 AFO cards (slow, differential) per gen Production started in Sept 2015, expected for January 2016 PDC system1 ItemStudy and design to commence MARCH 2016