Technology Department BI.DIS general controls status R.A.Barlow EC section
Technology Department Contents October 2015R.A.Barlow2 Layout Controls (Prototype) Deliverables Projections BI.DIS controls status
Technology Department 3 Expected topology for controls in BCER 5 generator racks + spare 1 electrical distribution 1 racks for signal acquisitions/timing 1 rack for SCADA, BIS and OASIS 3 PFN racks (2 PFN per rack) 1 dummy load rack DIC for final installation (Dec 2015) Engineering Specification, BI.DIS CONTROLS, EDMS
Technology Department 4 BI.DIS power supplies, 10kV, 1A Specifications: Output Voltage, 10kV Charging Current, 1A Average Power, 5kJ/s Peak Power, 10kW Quantity, 8 of Special feature, Analogue interface & Profibus Visit to the firm, Paris, 12 th May 2015, mid-term engineering review Second visit planned, 22 th October 2015, HV reception with tests. Technical Specification for 10kV, 1 A Capacitor Charging Power Supplies for the PS Booster Distributor Kicker System, DO-28787/TE/ABT
Technology Department 5 BI.DIS power supplies, 10kV, 1A Pre-series HV testing at TECHNIX LOC/REM analogue, Profibus funct. tests O/C test, (15.min) S/C test, max. power, (1.hour) R load test, 10K, max power Thermal analysis inside PS C load, 90uf, (was 65uf) Reproducibility, < ±0.1%, is < ±0.01% Voltage ripple, < ±0.05 % p-p Long term stability test and T coefficient (to come…) Discussion on HV probe system One non-compliant problem found and will be fixed ! REM.controller North Star HV probe Rear view Internal HV divider good. RO4350 laminates.* *.RO4350B™ Laminates RO4350B™ materials are proprietary woven glass reinforced hydrocarbon/ceramics with electrical performance close to PTFE/woven glass and the manufacturability of epoxy/ glass.
Technology Department 6 Fast interlock system study, FIDS system Functionalities studies completed Deliverables understood Flow diagram/VHDL (Objective early 2016) Choice of definitive H/W scheme to be decided? New type of FMC carrier to be developed, No VME bus In addition, ‘Beam Interlock specification for Booster BI.DIS’ with Linac4 in draft… VME FMC Carrier (SVEC) Functional Specification BI.DIS FAST INTERLOCKS, EDMS
Technology Department 7 PLC controls/prototype for Jura6-B867 FEATURES / TECHNOLOGY CHOICES, December 2015 Siemens PLC processors, series 1500 SCADA, TIA portal New generation of SCADA screen EDS and AUL controller, with Siemens Safety technology Slow control finite state machine management
Technology Department 8 FSU job TEABTECFSU-1379 (Week 42, October 2015)TEABTECFSU-1379 Fire prevention system tests passed IGBT synchronous switching scheme simplified (snubber studies) PFN housing thermal studies to begin (Nov 2015) IGBT reliability runs (High rep-rate, max. settings), on- going HV dividers testing (PCB version, DC and AC response) Pulsed power prototype for Jura6-B867
Technology Department 9 Project milestones for 867 prototype (End 2015) DESIGNDEVELOPMENTPROTOYPING PLC controlsCOMPLETED On-going Fast interlocksCOMPLETEDOn-goingNot started Power supplyCOMPLETEDDelayed delivery (OCT 2015)Not started IGBT trigger systemCOMPLETED TimingNot started
Technology Department 10 Project 2016 projection ITEMSSTATUS 1 COMPLETE GENERATOR RACK, PLC H/W only 6 unitsHardware assembly, 20 Weeks FSU time, start foreseen for spring (2016) FAST INTERLOCKS6 unitsOn going development POWER SUPPLIES6 units + 1 spareDELIVERY expected beginning 2016 IGBT trigger system6 unitsUnknown TimingTo be studiedUnknown IGBT studies, PFN thermal studiesOn-goingThrough-out 2016 in B867 PLC software, SCADA TIA, WinCCOn-goingDevellopement during 2016 AFO card production for signal8 AFO cards (fast, single ended) per gen 3 AFO cards (slow, differential) per gen Production started in Sept 2015, expected for January 2016 PDC system1 ItemStudy and design to commence MARCH 2016