What was I before I was bread?
Where does our food come from? Crops in Kansas Where does our food come from?
I was wheat!
How does wheat grow? In Kansas we grow wheat. The seeds are planted in the fall. When it gets warm, the wheat grows tall. When the wheat turns yellow, it gets picked.
What part of wheat do you eat? The seed is made into flour. We use flour to make food, such as bread and cookies. People everywhere eat wheat from Kansas!
What was I before I was popcorn?
I was corn!
How does corn grow? In Kansas, we grow corn. The seeds are planted in the spring. It takes a long time for corn to be ready to eat. The American Indians taught us how to grow corn a long time ago.
What part of corn do you eat? When corn is grown, it is covered in kernels. The kernels are what we eat. Corn feeds both people and animals. We eat sweet corn and popcorn. Corn can be used to make candy sweet. The kernels can also be ground into four!
What was I before I was a sunflower seed?
I was a sunflower!
How do sunflowers grow? American Indians grew sunflowers a long time ago. The seeds are planted in the spring. The seeds grow into beautiful flowers. The center of the sunflower is full of seeds.
What part of sunflowers do you eat? The seeds that grow in the sunflowers are hard. A soft kernel can be found in the seed. We eat the kernel out of the sunflower seed.
What foods do sunflowers make? Sunflowers feed both people and animals. We eat sunflower seeds as snacks. We cook with sunflower oil. American Indians used the seeds to make medicine.
What was I before I was soy sauce?
I was soy beans!
What part of a soy bean do you eat? Soybeans grow on bushes. The seeds are planted in the spring. The soybeans grow in pods like peas.
What part of soybeans do you eat? We eat the beans that grow in the pods. The beans are made into foods. Soybeans are made into oil. The oil is used to make salad dressing. The beans can also be made into a special milk. Soy sauce is used to make foods taste good.
We eat and use these crops all the time!