Community Helpers Police Officer’s
What do they do? What do they do? Why do we need them? Why do we need them? How can they help me? How can they help me?
Five Police Officer’s Song Five police officers, standing by the store, One directed traffic, and then there were four. Four police officers, watching over me, One took home a lost girl, and then there were three. Three police officers, dressed all in blue, One stopped a speeding car, and then there were two. Two police officers, how fast they can run, One caught a bank robber, and then there was one. One police officer, standing in the sun, Sun went down, he went home, and then there were none.
Keeping You Safe: A Book About Police Officers written by, Ann Owen Keeping You Safe: A Book About Police Officers written by, Ann Owen
Visitor Reminders Be Respectful Be Respectful Raise your hand for questions / wait to be called on Raise your hand for questions / wait to be called on Ask relevant questions Ask relevant questions
Questions for Officer Roppolo and Rosie the Robot How long have you been a police officer? How long have you been a police officer? To be asked by students… To be asked by students…
Presentation by Officer Roppolo and Rosie the Robot
Questions about Police Officer’s Who can be a Police Officer? Who can be a Police Officer? When can a Police Officer use their lights and sirens? When can a Police Officer use their lights and sirens? How can a Police Officer help you if something gets stolen? How can a Police Officer help you if something gets stolen? How can a Police Officer help you if you get lost? How can a Police Officer help you if you get lost?
Police Officer – Story How A Police Officer helped… How A Police Officer helped… At least one page long At least one page long Include a beginning, middle and an end Include a beginning, middle and an end
Peer Review Things to look for: Is the story fictional? Is the story fictional? Did they include a beginning, middle and an end? Did they include a beginning, middle and an end? Is the story a page long? Is the story a page long? Did they use correct punctuation? Did they use correct punctuation?
Please prepare final draft of paper
Things to think about:
How have you or your family been helped by a Police Officer or the Police Department?
Catching the bad guys and taking them off the street? Catching the bad guys and taking them off the street? Making sure that people are not speeding in their cars? Making sure that people are not speeding in their cars?
Thank you Gracias How can you thank them? THANK YOU Thank you Dank
Visit your local Police Station and take them cookies. Write a Thank You note and drop it by your local Police Station.
Create your own Police hat! Materials on the back table
Special Thanks to Officer Roppolo and the Highland Village Police Department Rosie the Robot - City of Highland Village, TX - Rosie the Robot - City of Highland Village, TX - Rosie the Robot - City of Highland Village, TX -