nevada By Brooklyn M and James U.
When did nevada become a state October 31 st.
How big is nevada in square miles. 110,560 square miles. And its area rank is 7.
What is the population. 2,495,529people in Population density 22.7 per square miles.
Some of the state symbols. Nevada’s state flower is the sagebrush Nevada’s state motto is All For Our Country. Nevada’s state bird is Mountain Bluebird
What type of economy does nevada have? They have good land. With this good rich soil they grow food for livestock. They also have many plateaus.
What is the primary way the people in Nevada make money. Same as in any other place but some raise cattle then sell them.
What is the geography of Nevada. They have many plateus They have Las Vegas the capital of gambling.
What are three important events in history that happened in Nevada Nevada got taken over by Spain A spanish explorer travels through Nevades tri state area Peter skene ogden found humboldt on his fifth snake country expedition.
What are the main landforms/bodies of water in or near nevada. Nevade has lots of mountain ranges including Battle, Monitor, Ruby Santa Rosa, Schell Creek, Sierra Nevada, Snake, and Toiyabe.
Who are some important people in nevadas history Henry fountain Art bell James Hubert Art Bell.
Tell about four places tourist might be interested in if visiting in nevada. Las vegas.- the gambling capital. Sierra nevada.-amazing views and mountain ranges. Primn. Bolder city.
Fuuuuuuuunnnn facts. Did you know Las Vegas is in Nevada. In 1899 Charles Fey invented slot machine, now many others use the same design. Nevada’s name is spanish for snow-clad. In Virgina city there is a muesum of nevada’s gambling.
Who is the current governor of Nevada This is the govenor of Nevada. His name is Brian Sandoval.