People who follow Hinduism are called Hindus.
Where are Hindus?
Hinduism is a set of religious traditions and not a single well- defined religion.
Hinduism is one of the oldest religions in the world.
Hinduism is the third largest religion in the world with over 1 billion followers.
Some Hindus practice polytheism: a belief in or worship of more than one god. Other Hindus practice henotheism: a devotion to one god while accepting the existence of others.
Brahman Brahman: is the supreme god of all gods. An eternal supreme spirit which can take many forms or manifestations of the thousands of gods. Reveals himself in three ways:
#1 Brahma: the creator of the world
#2 Vishnu: preserver of the world
#3 Shiva: destroyer of the world
Hindus also believe in many smaller gods called Devas.
Basic Beliefs: #1 Dharma: natural law or reality; the way of the higher truths. This is an ideal “way of life”.
Basic Beliefs: #2 Samsara: a great revolving door between life and death (reincarnation)
Basic Beliefs: #3 Karma: a sum of all that an individual has done, is currently doing and will do (actions)
Basic Beliefs: #4 Moksha: release from reincarnation (salvation) by following one of four paths (yogas)
Four Pursuits of life: Moksha: liberation from reincarnation Dharma: righteousness Artha: wealth Kama: pleasure and love
Religious Text: called the Vedas
Yoga: integration of body, mind a spirit; union with the divine
Aum: represents Brahman Swastika: purity
Tilaka: a mark symbolizing faith also worn by married Hindu women; may be used to identify which tradition is followed
Hindus worship in Temples
Denominations (divisions) Hinduism is divided into four major divisions: Vaishnavism, Shaivism, Shaktism, and Smartism.
Conversion Hindus do not actively recruit new members (also called evangelizing).
Hindus believe that the goals of spiritual life can be attained through any religion, so long as the religion is practiced sincerely.