Step 1: Creating Thematic Focus What makes a good product a good product? What are the typical characteristics of Japanese products? What products appeal to people in both countries? What are effective strategies that promote new products in both countries?
Step 2: Choose Cultural Products, Practices, and Perspectives
Step 3: Performance Tasks Step 3: Performance Tasks
4. Creating Instructional Plan: Setting the Stage
Input Activities with Flashcards Slot Machine Slap Game Tic Tac Toe Charade
Input Activity with Quizlet
Interpretive Reading Practice
Guided Practice Activities Pancho Comancho 1. Form groups of Assign a vocabulary to each student (by giving them a flashcard). Students hold the cards facing the other members. 3. Set a timer. (45 sec. to one minute) 4. Teacher says “Pamcho Comancho is going to buy a banana.” 5. Student with banana card says “No, Pancho Comancho is NOT going to buy a banana. He is going to buy a ______.” and pick another student’s item. 6. Proceed in this fashion until the time expires.
Guided Practice Activities Inner Circle-Outer Circle
Interpersonal Speaking Practice using CLEAR
Interpersonal Writing Practice
Interpretive and Presentational Read and Run Procedures ◦ Students form groups of 3 or 4 and designate one person to be the writer. ◦ Other group members take turns running up to read and memorize the posted text and report back to the group. ◦ The group members collaborate to help the writer re-create the text. ◦ After some time, teacher hands over the reading materials and makes corrections on any errors. ◦ At this point, teacher may ask questions to assess students’ comprehensions. *Students must know that they are encouraged to memorize as much as they can. This could be a single sentence or a word in some cases.
Interpretive and Presentational Read and Write Around Procedures ◦ Students sit in circle. (4 to 6 students) ◦ As teacher prompts, students start writing a diary/journal/story/memo/blog, etc. ◦ After 90 seconds, students pass around their stories to the person next to them. They read the stories and continue it by adding more and so on. ◦ Share the stories with class. *Students must comprehend what the previous person wrote and keep the tone of the original writer.
Edmodo: All activities in one location
Online Resources Edmodo: Quizlet: CLEAR: Jing: Glogster: