Spiritual Boundaries
Divinity sweet candy, egg whites, sugar, honey
forked branch of Witch Hazel used to find water or minerals Divining Rod
Divination foresee future
Psalms 112:1 “I lift up my eyes unto the hills from when comes my help, my help comes from the Lord which made Heaven and earth”
Lunatic mentally ill, foolish eccentric from “Luna” (Latin word for moon)
Genesis 11 The Tower of Babel “Let us build a city and a tower which reaches unto the Heavens” Stone base, adobe bricks (arabic word) Similar to pyramids of Egypt Ziggurat – steps to top, Altar
Exodus 20:23 No Idols 20:1 10 Commandments Tabernacle 32 The Golden Calf
Leviticus 17:7 No goat idols 19:26 No Divination or sorcery 19:31 No Mediums or Spiritists 20:22 Kill by stoning all mediums
Saul and The Witch of Endor Saul had previously expelled all witches, mediums and spritists Samuel is dead Saul inquires of God, tries dreams, prophets and priests
Witch of Endor
“I don’t like what Samuel said in the Bible about my future. Let’s check my Horoscope”
Que Hora es (spanish) Horoscope – Hore – time Skopas – observe (Greek)
Horoscope Forecast of person’s future, circumstances based on stars and planets
Influenza Italian word attributing an epidemic of “flu” to heavenly body by Astrologers
The Bible prohibits divination horoscopes mediums spiritists
John 1:1 In the beginning was the Logos (Word), and the Logos (Word) was with God and The Logos (Word) was God. What’s in a word? Greek word “logos” Means: word, speech, thought, attributes
What is your “Logo”?
The Christian Logo John 13:35 “Tell they are Christians by their love”
What brand of Christian are we? Rely on God’s Word or Check Horoscope
II Corinthians 11:14 “Satan disguises himself as an Angel of light” Light is good, darkness is evil How can we know we are following God’s light and not Satan
Psalms 119:105 “Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path”
Are you stumbling in the dark seeking the light?