Integrated Product Validation Dataset Research Projects Reale, Sun and Tilley.


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Presentation transcript:

Integrated Product Validation Dataset Research Projects Reale, Sun and Tilley

Integrated Product Validation System System Flowchart CosmicATOVSGOESAQUAMetopRAOBModelTruth Any or all of the data sets may be collocated using the information stored within the relational database. Collocated Locations NetCDF Collocated Data Files Use locations to produce output data files Distribution NRT Visualization and Monitoring NetCDF files include both L1C and L2 products

NOAA Integrated Product Validation (Real-time phase-1 (Phase-2) ) ATOVS N18 Oper Test MIRS Metop (ATOVS) Oper, Test MIRS Eumetsat Metop (+IASI) NOAA Eumetsat GOES Raob (PrepBufr … NMC) Collocate * derived products … Primary fov … Secondary fov’s Raob (screened) Reale / Tilley derived product files from each DMSP Other Radiances 1b,1c from each Aqua Flat files (multiple collocation) Indexes (Phase-2) GPS ARM … COSMIC EDGE (analysis and display) IGRA SAT ground Flat files (net CDF) Per project ( 1999 – present )

Phase-1 Collocation Strategy 1. ATOVS reference soundings are collocated to radiosondes (first step) 2. Other satellite platforms are appended to the radiosonde-ATOVS reference collocations (second step) 3. Uncollocated radiosondes are retained and collocation with secondary observations attempted RAOB Ref RAOB-Ref GOES Aqua COSMIC ? Uncollocated RAOB 1 2 3

Structure of Phase-1 collocation file NOAA18RAOBGOES RAOB GOES NOAA18 Aqua RAOB Aqua NOAA18 X RAOBGOES RAOB Aqua RAOB MetopRAOBGOES RAOB GOES Metop Aqua RAOB Aqua Metop X RAOBGOES RAOB Aqua RAOB X marks the un-collocated radiosondes for a given reference system

NOAA Integrated Sounding Product Validation System PURPOSE: Centralized Centralized NOAA protocol for monitoring and validating operational satellite products IMMEDIATE GOALS: 1) Compile integrated multiple data platform datasets of collocated satellite and ground truth observations: ATOVS ATOVS MIRS MIRS GOES GOES Aqua-AIRS Aqua-AIRS COSMIC ATOVS + IASI 2) Provide Analysis ATOVS Metop NOAA-18 Radiosondes NWP GOES MIRS Metop NOAA-18 COSMIC Metop ATOVS (Eumetsat) ATOVS + IASI (NOAA) ATOVS + IASI (Eumetsat) Aqua-AIRS

Historical Collocation Databases on STAR ( ) HIRS 1b MSU 1b SSU 1b DMSP (T1,T2 and I) Raob (PrepBufr … Woolen) 1c Collocate … Primary fov … Secondary fov’s 1c Raob (screened) Reale / Tilley Index Sat-ground Sat-Sat ground-ground TOVS derived products DMSP (T and I) derived products Poleward 45 N Global IGRA ? SAT ground (Per satellite, per year)

GOALS Long-term record of multiple data platform (satellite and ground truth) collocated observations –historical (TOVS, DMSP … radiosonde (nwp)) –real-time (ATOVS, AIRS, IASI, GOES, COSMIC … radiosonde, NWP, GPS, ground radiometers…) –future (NPOESS / GOESR … ) Unambiguous consistent validation of NOAA satellite sensor measurements and derived weather products Monitoring and evaluation of ground truth platforms Synergy with evolving NOAA instrument CAL/Val Programs … (insert NOAA Cal/val web site …..)

Some Issues Strategy for compiling (long-term ) Collocation database (support Climate) Sonde Screening –Sonde not functioning as designed … (Reale / Tilley), IGRA (Durre), … –Non-homogeneity … Seidel, Lanzante, Haimberger … Long term collocation record useful to characterize: –Sonde and sounder homogeneity record(s) –Homogeneity of calculated (from sonde using RTM) – obs radiance Sensitivity of sounder measurement to sonde non-homogeneity Sensitivity of sonde measurement to sounder non-homogeneity –Sounder sensitivity to weather signals real-time weather scale climate scale RT development (resolving sonde and sounder measurements) –(reference networks synchronized to satellite overpass better) Satellite derived product processing (tuning) and validation –Real-time (nwp) –Retrospective (climate) Touching base with other collocated observations for climate (ERA-40 …) Demonstrate “usefulness” of reference networks –Ground / satellite synchronization sensitivity studies (Seidel, Peterson, … GCOS)

Research Topics Radiosonde (Moisture ) Screening and Impacts Raob Instrument Type Performance Spatial / Temporal Sensitivity Studies (support GCOS Reference network initiatives) Derived Product Integrated Validation Derived Satellite Product Tuning and Research RT Model Validation Respective Platform Measurement / Product Uncertainty Compiling Historical (from 1979) Collocation Data Records (Historical) Radiometer Sensor Spectral Response Function Studies Retrospective (historical) Satellite Processing for Climate