Inherited and Learned Behaviors. Traits (Behavior) Traits are something an organism does. Examples: A bear hibernating Plant stems growing up and roots.


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Presentation transcript:

Inherited and Learned Behaviors

Traits (Behavior) Traits are something an organism does. Examples: A bear hibernating Plant stems growing up and roots growing down

Inherited Traits Characteristics passed down to an offspring by his or her parents. These traits (behaviors) are controlled by genes made up of DNA.

Examples of Inherited Traits Hibernation-a deep sleeplike state when an animal’s body processes slow down. Migration-seasonal movement of animals from one place to another Protecting Young Walking Eating Breathing

Examples of Inherited Traits Fur color Body markings Height Length Shape of eyes, ears, nose, body

Which one is inherited?

Learned Behavior A learned behavior is a behavior that an animal develops by observing other animals or by being taught.

Examples of Learned Behaviors Sea animals doing tricks Birds avoiding viceroy butterflies

Learned and Inherited Some behaviors animals have are a combination of learned and inherited traits. Examples: Young cheetahs have the instinct to hunt, but at first do not know how to sneak up on their prey. They learn how to do that by watching their mother when she hunts. Wolves have the instinct to hunt but learn to hunt in groups.

Hunting in Packs

Plant’s Behavior All plant behavior is inherited (they can’t learn can they?). However, plants will respond to their environment.

Plants responding to their environment A plant’s response to a stimulus is called tropism. If you put a plant near a window it will turn it’s leaves toward the sunlight. Plants roots grow downward toward water.


What is the difference between a learned behavior and an inherited trait?

An inherited trait is something that is passed down to the offspring by the parents. A learned behavior is something the organism acquired by watching or being taught.