Religions are value systems Involve formal or informal worship Faith in the sacred/divine Religions teach followers proper ethical behavior A. What is the purpose of religion?
B. STATE RELIGIONS Roman Catholicism Islam Protestantism (incl. Anglicanism) Eastern Orthodoxy Sunni Islam Shia Islam Buddhism
Interfaith Boundaries Boundaries between the world’s major faiths. Intrafaith Boundaries Boundaries within a single major faith. Conflicts along Religious Borders
Interfaith Boundary in Africa
Israel and Palestine
C. SACRED SITES Lakes Caves Rivers Ganges Jordan Trees Mountains Ararat Fuji Sinai
Sacred Sites and Pilgrimage
1. Jerusalem is sacred to 3 religions: Judaism (Western Wall) Christianity (Church of the Holy Sepulchre) Islam (Dome of the Rock)
D. CLASSIFICATION: Monotheism: Christianity Islam Judaism Polytheism: Hinduism Japanese Shinto 1. Universalizing Religions: Proselytizing/conversion Christianity Islam Buddhism 2. “Ethnic” Religions: Territorial/cultural identification Judaism Hinduism Japanese Shinto 3. “Tribal” Religions (shamanism & animism)
Religions of the World Where are universalizing religions located? Where are ethnic religions located?
an indifference to or rejection of religion Agnostic: Not sure Atheist: Sure there isn’t! SECULARISM
The Soviet Union: -Had an official policy of atheism -Discouraged religious practice -Drew boundaries for political control that separated ethnic groups in small areas Government Impact on Religion
Burial: Christians, Jews, Muslims Cremation: Hinduism, Buddhism E. DISPOSAL OF THE DEAD
Oldest major world religion (over 4,000 years old) Religion + Philosophical/social/economic /artistic elements Caste system Dharma: Law and duty Ahimsa: do not harm a living being Goal is union with Brahman, the universal soul HINDUISM
Started as a Hindu reform movement (2,600 years old) Rejects the caste system Founded by Prince Siddhartha Gautama “Buddha” means enlightened one About million followers (India, China, Japan, Tibet, Nepal, S.E. Asia) Goal: Nirvana, and end to samsara (cycle of death and rebirth) BUDDHISM
Mahayana: Buddha is divine, emphasis on meditation Theravada: Salvation through four noble truths, portion of life as a monk/nun There’s suffering, it comes from desire, you can end it, through the eightfold path Vajrayana: Dalai Lama as reincarnated Buddha
Judaism was founded about 4,000 years ago (Abraham) over 20 million followers Ethical Teachings: Torah and Talmud (basis for all codes for Jewish law) word of god (Yahweh) said to be revealed in the Torah (Old Testament of the Bible) JUDAISM Sephardim (20%) Iberian Peninsula – expelled 15th c. ties to North Africa & Babylonian Jews Ashkenazim (80%) W. & C. Europe (Poland, Lithuania, Russia) most Jewish migrants to U.S.
Jesus was Jewish spread through the Roman Empire by hierarchical and contagious diffusion, then to the Americas through relocation diffusion. Ethical system: Ten Commandments over 1 billion Christians worldwide (most are Roman Catholic) denominations: Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, Protestants, Baptists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Methodists, Born Again, Mormons CHRISTIANITY
Mormonism Founded by Joseph Smith in 1820 Forced migrations throughout the US Book of Mormon as literal account Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Nontrinitarian (Father, Son, Holy Ghost are all separate beings) Ordinances (includes baptism after death) No alcohol/coffee/tea/tobacco Missionary service Polygamy (formally banned)
Islam: submission to the will of Allah over 1 billion followers World’s fastest growing religion the prophet Mohammed said to receive the holy book of the Q’uran from Allah (god) in about A.D. 610 Shahadah: declaring there is no god except God, Muhammad is God's Messenger Salat: ritual prayer five times a day Zakat: giving 2.5% of one’s savings to the poor and needy Sawm: fasting and self-control during the holy month of Ramadan Hajj: pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in a lifetime if one is able ISLAM
Born of schism over Muhammad’s succession Sunni: 75-80% of adherents Mahdi: Muhammad’s successor yet to come Shia: 11-12% of adherents Mahdi: Already came but is hidden until judgment day Separate literature (hadith-traditions) Islam: Sunnis and Shiites
Kung Fu-tzu Compiler of traditional wisdom A scholar who loves comfort is not worthy of the name. No Churches or Clergy Ancestor Worship Basis for imperial Chinese social control CONFUCIANISM:
TAOISM: First taught by Lao-tsu in 6 th c. B.C. Tao – “The Way” happiness lies in nature religion and philosophy Nonaction, effortless action
traditional religion of Japan worship of nature & ancestors Shinto – “The Way of the Gods” Spirits (kamis)— family, rivers, trees, animals, mountains, sun, moon Torii – ceremonial gateway arches JAPANESE SHINTO: