My daughter does not develop properly … Dr. György Fekete
K.M. female child Birth date : Presentation: Symptoms : Somatic and psychomotoric developmental delay Hypotonic muscles Craniofacial dysmorphy
History First child, healthy parents Mother was 24, father 27 when she was born Birth weight: 2640 g., length: 45 cm, 39. gestational week, normal delivery, Apgar: 10/10
Similarity? Resembling to known phenotype?
Craniofacial dysmorphy Sunken nasal bridge Epicanthal fold Long philtrum Prominent lower lip Hypodontia Mikrodontia Blue/ green iris
Hypertension Supravalvular aortic stenosis Peripheral pulmonary stenosis
Multisystemic disease
Other symptoms Kyphoscoliosis, arthropathy Inguinal and umbilical hernia Loose skin Chronic constipation, diverticulosis Deep voice Sensoneural hearing loss Congenital malformations of kidneys Laboratory: Hypercalcemia Nephrocalcinosis
Endocrinological problems Hypothyreosis Early puberty Early menarche Diabetes mellitus
Radioulnar synostosis
Friendly, extroverted personality, („cocktail party personality”) Mild cognitive disturbances Good vocabulary Good skill to music, singing
Williams- Beuren syndrome Incidence 1 : 8000, sporadic, unbalaned meiotic cross - over 7q11.23mMckrodeletion 7q11.23mMckrodeletion Deletion of elastin gene and neighbouring genes Deletion of elastin gene and neighbouring genes GTF2IRD1 (General transcription factor II-I repeat domain- containing protein 1) GTF2IRD1 (General transcription factor II-I repeat domain- containing protein 1) GTF2I (General transcription factor II-I) GTF2I (General transcription factor II-I) Genetic diagnostic methods: Genetic diagnostic methods: - FISH - FISH - DNA analysis - DNA analysis
J.C.P. Williams, cardiologist, Auckland, New - Zealand, ? Publication in: 1961 Alois J. Beuren, cardiologist, Göttingen,
Genetic counselling Discussion of present and later symptoms Prognosis Pedigree analysis Special care and support of skills Patient organisations