Identification of Trees OLI to identify trees using silhouettes
Shape Each tree has its own particular shape, which depends on the arrangement of its branches. Winter is probably the best time of the year to see the shapes of trees, because their branches are not hidden by leaves.
How Trees are Shaped Trees try to form a wide crown or top so that their leaves will get lots of sunlight. Where trees are close together, they grow narrow to reach the light.
Weather Changes Tree Shapes Steady winds from one direction, or salty sea winds make trees grow one-sided. On mountains, trees are dwarfed and gnarled by the cold and drying wind.
An Oak Tree Look at the shape of this oak tree. It has wide-spreading branches. It is quite common to find it alone, and in woods.
A Sycamore Tree A Sycamore tree can grow to 20m. It is usually found in parks or streets.
Horse Chestnut Tree This tree is one of the largest trees it can grow to 25 m. It looks quite majestic.
Common Ash Tree An Ash Tree can grow to 25 m. You can see daylight through it because of its feathery leaves. It is usually found in woods and in parks.
Holly Tree A Holly tree grows to around 10m. It has evergreen leaves which can be variegated. The berries of the Holly are poisonous. It often looks like a shrub.
Beech Tree A Beech tree can grow to 25m. Look at it’s rounded shape. It’s leaves can almost touch the ground. It is so dense you cannot see through it.
Oli to produce silhouettes of trees Follow the instructions carefully Choose a template. Using the edge of the charcoal press down over the edge of the template. Make sure you go all the way around. Carefully lift it off. Place it on another part of the paper. Continue until you have completed your pattern. Have fun!