CLS Stepper Motor Control S tepper motors - Currently over 400 motors - many different brands: Parker, Phytron, SloSyn, McLennan, and others
CLS Stepper Motor Control C LS Stepper Motor Driver - up to 3A/Phase - up to μstep/rev. - 2 phase motor support
CLS Stepper Motor Control P arker E-AC Drive - up to 3.5A/phase - up to 25,000 μstep/rev - 2 phase motors - higher bus voltage - higher speed
CLS Stepper Motor Control C LS Stepper Motor Controller - Fixed Velocity - Fixed Acceleration
CLS Stepper Motor Control O MS 58 Stepper Controller - Settable velocity and acceleration - Hardware coordination of up to 4 axis
CLS Stepper Motor Control - S tandard connectors and pin out - A mphenol 97 Series
CLS Stepper Motor Control F uture Upgrades/Changes - Moving drivers closer to motors - Changing controller/driver connectors from DB25 to RJ45 - Evaluating other drivers and controllers
CLS Stepper Motor Control F uture Upgrades/Changes - ESRF ICEPAP system - up to 6A/phase - Step size and current software settable -output synchronization
CLS Stepper Motor Control F uture Upgrades/Changes - Parker Gemini Series - Driver and controller combined
CLS Stepper Motor Control F uture Upgrades/Changes - Step Pac - Variety of configurations - Low noise available
Move Sequencing Simple sequence: Backlash correction, queue two moves to the controller. Complex sequence: Use EPICS state notation language (SNL). Examples: Calibration procedures: 1. Use a limit switch. 2. Locate home/index pulse. 3. Beam based calibration.
Move Synchronization Simple synchronization: Slit control on linac - write to gap or centering causes 2 slit jaws to reposition. Complex synchronization: Define point of rotation for pitch, roll and yaw of a mirror move motors as required. Uses a sub record. Use EPICS state notation language (SNL). Example: setting energy of SM beam line -> set monochrometer grating and mirror -> set epu gap and girders using polarization and angle -> set girder taper using gap and polarization
Flip Coil Bench VME58 motor driver was written for the flip coil bench. Uses SNL for both synchronization and sequential movement of stages to move the flip coil
In the future Hardware: VME58-4E >> MAXv Oregon Microsystems CLS Motor Controller >> no new installations Evaluation of servo motors Software: Synchronization of motors using controller capabilities. Use interrupts from VME58 for move completion (done bit). Ongoing evaluation of synApps
CLS Stepper Motor Control C onclusions - Change driver location - Change motor cabling (minimize) - Address noise concerns - Evaluate other motor controllers/drivers