Output 4, IITA lead
4.1 Development of strategic partnerships and action plans within specific Humidtropics R4D platforms for facilitating an enabling environment for legume intensification, based on constraints identified. LegumeCHOICE is represented in the 3 R4D platforms at Action Site level by Irene Okeyo (ICRAF) -W Kenya, Alan Duncan (ILRI) – Ethiopia, Paul Dontsop (IITA) – DRC They are, e.g., taking part in the Situation Analysis being useful for LegumeCHOICE
4.2 Piloting of institutional interventions aiming at creating an enabling environment for legume intensification through site- and R4D platform-specific models Innovation platforms at Field Site level focusing on multipurpose legumes and legume value chains to be set up (can be based on existing innovation platforms but ensure the focus on legumes). Maurice, Tamene, Paul take the lead in March/April when implementing Activity 1.2 (supported by the country teams)
4.3 Organization of specific training events at the R4D platform level based on identified capacity gaps in intensifying legumes in systems and creating an enabling environment to facilitate this Can be implemented if we support setting up Innovation Platforms at Field Site level (or we use existing Innovation platforms) Training and field days/visits to be organized at Implementation Site level when on-farm trials are ongoing Country teams to implement
4.4 Implementation of a M&E framework following the Research-in-Development concept, within the R4D platforms across all above activities M&E framework developed and tested in Humidtropics Cluster 4 projects Now (2015, yr2) it can be implemented in LegumeCHOICE. Generose to contact Chris Okafor and M&E officer