Vocabulary for Early Asian Civilization Domain 2 Created by Kristen Giuliano~ Monroe 2- Orleans BOCES~ September 3, 2014
fertile Definition: Rich in the materials or nutrients needed to produce many strong, healthy crops Sentence: Because her farmland was so fertile, she always grew the biggest crops in the county. Created by Kristen Giuliano~ Monroe 2- Orleans BOCES~ September 3, 2014
source Definition: The start or cause of something. Sentence: The sun is the source of light and heat for planet Earth. Created by Kristen Giuliano~ Monroe 2- Orleans BOCES~ September 3, 2014
represents Definition: stands for or symbolizes Sentence: Each of the fifty stars on the U.S. flag represents a state. Created by Kristen Giuliano~ Monroe 2- Orleans BOCES~ September 3, 2014
unjust Definition: Unjust means not right or unfair. Sentence: Ben thought it was unjust that his sister got to go to the movies and he didn’t. Created by Kristen Giuliano~ Monroe 2- Orleans BOCES~ September 3, 2014
resembles Definition: to look like someone or something. Sentence: Kia resembles her mother because she looks like her. Created by Kristen Giuliano~ Monroe 2- Orleans BOCES~ September 3, 2014
custom Definition: a habitual practice, something that you do the same way on a regular basis. Sentence: It is my family’s custom to eat pasta and meatballs on Sundays. Created by Kristen Giuliano~ Monroe 2- Orleans BOCES~ September 3, 2014
conquer Definition: to overcome something Sentence: Jimmy was able to conquer his fear of dogs after he saw that the dogs at the animal shelter were gentle and sweet. Created by Kristen Giuliano~ Monroe 2- Orleans BOCES~ September 3, 2014
sorrow Definition: pain or suffering caused by a loss or misfortune Sentence : Alexa felt deep sorrow when her little kitten was missing for three days. Created by Kristen Giuliano~ Monroe 2- Orleans BOCES~ September 3, 2014
durable Definition: able to last for a very long time Sentence : The little pig who built his home out of bricks used more durable materials than his brothers. Created by Kristen Giuliano~ Monroe 2- Orleans BOCES~ September 3, 2014
praise Definition: congratulations or admiration Sentence : Giuliana received much praise for the story she wrote in school. Created by Kristen Giuliano~ Monroe 2- Orleans BOCES~ September 3, 2014
emerge Definition: to come out or rise into view Sentence : Dolphins emerge from below the water for air. Created by Kristen Giuliano~ Monroe 2- Orleans BOCES~ September 3, 2014
plunged Definition: to push something down into a liquid or other material Sentence : She plunged into the water. Created by Kristen Giuliano~ Monroe 2- Orleans BOCES~ September 3, 2014
defense Definition: protection against something dangerous. Sentence : Washing your hands before you eat is a good defense against germs. Created by Kristen Giuliano~ Monroe 2- Orleans BOCES~ September 3, 2014
eager Definition: to have great interest in something or to really want to do something. Sentence : Stacy was eager to open her presents during her birthday party. Created by Kristen Giuliano~ Monroe 2- Orleans BOCES~ September 3, 2014
prosperous Definition: having good fortune or success. Sentence : Steve’s new construction business had a prosperous first year. Created by Kristen Giuliano~ Monroe 2- Orleans BOCES~ September 3, 2014