Work A Work A m1 Work A m2 Work A m3 Work A mn The Work has n manifestations but since the work is never completely known, to say that a manifestation of the Work is an instantiation is imprecise and adds nothing to what the term manifestation already gives. Except of course if we are dealing with classification where we consider all manifestations of Work X as “instantiations” of the Class “ Manifestations of Work X”. Instance m2 2 Instance m2 n..... Instance m2 1 Manifestation m2 of Work A has several instantiations the first of which is refered to as the first fixation of manifestation m2. Since each manifestation is a concrete thing, then it makes sense to use the term instance of. Creation Model By Marc Gauvin Oct 2004
Author/Creator (writer, composer, sculptor, architect etc.) Creates/Conceives Work First Manifestation of the Work Arrangers, translators,, engineers etc., modify the first manifestation to adapt the Work to their particular capacities and circumstances n manifestations of the Work (not instances) First fixation of Manifestation realizers i.e performers create Instances of Manifestations Singular Plural Singular Plural Creation Cycles
Work: Information that retains attributable properties independiently of its multiple manifestations. Work Creator: Anyone who creates an original Work (Author, Composer, Architect, Sculptor, Inventor). Work Manifestation: Any adaptation of a Work the properties of which include a minimum and determined subset solely attributable to the Work. Note: this subset is obtained by the rules used to determine origin of a work in a court of law. Adaptor: All those except the Work Creator who create Manifestations of the Work. (Arrangers, interpreters, translators, transcribers, performers) Manifestation Instance: Any performance, recording, copy, rendition whose properties are entirely intended to be that of a specific and concrete manifestation of a Work. Realizer: Anyone who realizes a specific Manifestation of a Work completely and/or in part (Note: An adaptor may be a realizer at the same time as in sight reading a piece on an instrument for which the piece was not expressly intended i.e. playing a violin piece on the piano). Definitions
A piece of Content is either Work based or it isn't. A piece of Governed Content contains a rights expression and therefore must contain a Work, therefore all pieces of Governed Content contain instances of Manifestations of Works. The work can only be referred to through identifying its manifestations and all manifestations of a Work point to the Work's Creator. All instances of Manifestations point to the Adaptor and/or the Work's Creator. Only in the case of the Work's Creator's manifestations is the Adaptor and Creator the same. Rules
We must make sure that we do not confuse classifications with definitions A Work is an entity, only because we as users of that Work recognize its attributes within manifestations of the Work. But since no two manifestations are exactly the same, we cannot determine the exact nature of the Work we can only speculate as to what it is. So a Work is that which retains attributable properties independently of its multiple manifestations and instantiations of those manifestations. The Work is singular and cannot have instantiations but the Class “manifestations of the Work” has as many instantiations as it has manifestations of the Work. A manifestation of a Work has many instantiations such as the interpretation of a particular transcription of a piece of music, my performance (instance) of my transcription for guitar (manifestation) of Sonata Nº1 for Violin Solo by J.S. Bach (Work), or more vulgar would be copy 3002 of my recording of Sonata Nº Both of these are instantiations of something more concrete and identifiable than the Work personal fingering, dynamics, phrasing etc.. That is to say, an instance of something identifiable, I did play and/or write that note with fingering x where said fingering was not expressly included in the Creators first manifestation. Fingering and specific added or left out notes dynamics, etc., is what constitutes the concreteness or the charcter of the manifestation. Hence any rendition, copy recording, etc. of that manifestation is an instance precisely because the manifestation is concretely identifiable. Because a Manifestation of a Work is of the Work should not lead us to conclude that there is more than one instance of the Work! So we have Work A->Manifestations of Work A->Instances of Manifestations of Work A. Notes