A.GNANAVEL Executive – Material GHCL Limited Yarn Division
Knowledge (what to, why to) Desire (want to) Skills (how to) Habits
What are the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People? Habit 1: Be Proactive –Take responsibility for your life. Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind. –Define your mission and goals in life. Habit 3: Put First Things First. –Prioritize, and do the most important things first. Habit 4: Think Win-Win. –Have an everyone-can-win attitude. Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood. –Listen to people sincerely. Habit 6: Synergize. –Work together to achieve more. Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw. –Renew yourself regularly.
The word proactive means that we are responsible for our own lives. Our behavior is a function of our decisions, not our conditions. Take initiative, Manage change, Respond proactively, Keep commitments. Take responsibility and have accountability. Have a positive influence on results. Proactive people recognize they are responsible ‘RESPONSE-ABLE’ Responsibility is ‘RESPONSE ABILITY’
StimulusResponse Freedom to Choose According to Values Circle of Influence Circle of Concern Proactive Focus Reactive Focus
Circle of concern/Circle of Influence Proactive people focus their energy on the circle of influence, and causing it to increase. Reactive people focus their energy on the circle of concern. They focus on the problems over which they have no control. Proactive people can influence the conditions instead of worrying about the conditions.
Language Reactive Language There is nothing I can do. That’s just the way I am. He makes me mad. They wont allow that. I have to do that. I cant. I must. If only. Proactive Language Lets look at our alternatives. I can choose different approach. I control my own feelings. I will choose an appropriate response. I choose. I prefer. I will.
Principles of Personal Leadership To begin with the end in mind means to start with a clear understanding of your destination. Define vision and values. Create a mission statement. Set measurable team and personal goals. Start projects successfully. Align goals to priorities. Focus on desired outcomes. Have no goal or plan and never think about tomorrow.
Habit 1 says that you are the programmer. Habit 2 says to write the program. Habit 3 says to run the program.
. Crisis. Pressing problems. Deadline-driven projects, meetings, preparations. Preparation. Prevention. Values clarification. Planning. Relationship building. True re-creation. Empowerment. Interruptions, some phone calls. Some mail, some reports. Some meetings. Many proximate, pressing matters. Many popular activities. Trivia, busywork. Some phone calls. Time wasters. “Escape” activities. Irrelevant mail. Excessive TV I II IIIIV UrgentNot Urgent Important Not Important
Win Win/lose Lose/Win Lose/Lose Win/Win Win/Win or No Deal Six Paradigms of Human Interaction
The Habit of Empathic Communication 10 % of our communication is represented by words. 30 % is represented by sounds. 60 % is represented through our body language. In empathic listening you listen not only by your ears, but with you eyes and heart. Communication is the most important skill in life. Listening skill. If we want to interact effectively we need to first understand others. Our examples flow naturally out of our character. No matter what others say or what we say about ourselves makes no difference. The real influence comes from your character not from your advice.
Ignoring :Making no effort to listen Pretend Listening:Making believe or giving the appearance you are listening Selective Listening:Hearing only the parts of the conversation that interest you. Attentive Listening:Paying attention and focusing on what the speaker says, and comparing that to your own experiences. Empathic Listening:Listening and responding with both the heart and mind to understand the speaker’s words, intent and feelings.
SYNERGISE- is the habit of creative cooperation SYNERGY SYNERGY is respecting differences & finding new ways of working together SYNERGY SYNERGY means 1+1= 11 & not 2
BodyThe Physical Dimension 4 Dimensions BrainThe Mental Dimension HeartThe Social /Emotional Dimension SoulThe Spiritual Dimension
Get back to nature Meditate Write in a journal Pray Do anything that has a spiritual connection for you. Focus on building relationships Laugh & Cry - express your feeling Do small acts of kindness Update and Upgrade yourself Learn new skill Exercise Improve your diet Make the right decisions for your body Sleep well Relax The Physical DimensionThe Mental Dimension The Social /Emotional DimensionThe Spiritual Dimension
Balance is Better