How To Papier Mâché
Materials: Flour Salt Water Mixing spoon Bowl Balloon Newspaper Your choice of decoration for your mache.
Step One Get your newspaper and tear long strips off with your hands.
Step Two Make Your Paste. To do this, take one part flour to two parts water. Mix the flour and water together until you see your paste is a bit runny. Mix well to get out all of the lumps. Add a few tablespoons of salt to help prevent mold.
Step Three Dip the strip of paper into the prepared paste. Place the paper over the paste bowl and squeeze out the excess paste.
Step Four Stick the paper square over a balloon and smooth it over with your fingers.
Step Five Let the form dry completely. It may take anywhere between hours for it to dry completely. Make sure to add a second layer the following day when your Mache is dry.
Step Six Decorate your mache with paint, or any decorations you want to use.