An AAC Professional Learning Module Book Study based on the AAC publication Scaffolding for Student Success Scaffolding for Student Success Module 1: Assessment for Learning is about Learning
Module 1 in Context AAC Professional Learning 2 Scaffolding for Student Success Module 2 examines key conditions that set the stage for effective feedback. Scaffolding for Student Success Module 3 provides a closer look at the sample feedback tools in the Scaffolding resource. Scaffolding for Student Success Module 4 outlines a five-step process for creating tools for classroom use. The purpose of this module is to clarify the two-fold purpose of assessment for learning.
Logistics AAC Professional Learning Page numbers in the upper right hand corner of the slides refer to pages in Scaffolding for Student Success. Participants will require access to a copy of the resource in order to take full advantage of this professional learning experience. Participant materials and facilitator notes are available to accompany this professional learning module. These materials are provided as a service to AAC members and are protected by copyright. If modifications are desired, the modified version should clearly indicate that they have been modified from the original and also provide the link to the original materials. Modified materials are for personal use and may not be subsequently posted to any website. The complete AAC Copyright and Terms of Use document is available at 3
Questions to Ponder 1. What do we do when students don’t understand? 2. What is our primary role in the classroom? AAC Professional Learning 4
A Classroom Scenario AAC Professional Learning Students in a grade five class were involved in a summative science performance assessment. As part of the task, they were to develop a plan, apply the procedures, and then evaluate their plan and procedures. A rubric was provided when the task was assigned. The teacher had numerous discussions with the students about what was required based on the task requirements and the rubric. The students were thoroughly engaged in the task and then submitted the required written work. 5 p.3
Natalie’s Work: Evaluating Plan & Procedures AAC Professional Learning ? How would you score Natalie’s work? 6 p.4
Now Consider the Asterisk* AAC Professional Learning * When work is judged to be limited or insufficient, the teacher makes decisions about appropriate intervention to help the student improve. Read p. 5 of Scaffolding, and then discuss the following questions. ? What questions could Natalie’s teacher have asked to prompt her towards successful completion, while retaining the integrity of the summative assessment? ? How can we ensure we using formative assessment to improve the learning and not simply to raise the score? p. 5 7
Focus on Formative Assessment 8 AAC Professional Learning
Dylan Wiliam AAC Professional Learning 9 Formative Assessment speakers/formativeassessmentdylanwiliam.asp speakers/formativeassessmentdylanwiliam.asp Video Source: Education Scotland ? Dylan uses the analogy of a pilot to point out the flaws of an assessment system that is focused solely on summative assessment. What are the benefits for both teachers and students of the formative assessment approach that Dylan described?
Assessment for Learning AAC Professional Learning The two-fold purpose of assessment for Learning is to… provide teachers with information about student learning to inform decisions regarding next steps for instruction and coaching. provide students with information about their progress towards the learning goals to help them improve work in progress. 10
Next Steps... AAC Professional Learning 11 Consider opportunities to increase the amount of formative assessment in your classroom. Analyze a sample of student work that ‘misses the mark’ on a given assignment. Using the insight gained from the case study of Natalie in the Scaffolding resource, consider the skill development that the student might be missing that is causing the difficulty. How could formative assessment help this student acquire the skill?
Looking Ahead to Module 2 AAC Professional Learning 12 Scaffolding for Student Success Module 1 clarified the two-fold purpose of assessment for learning. Scaffolding for Student Success Module 3 provides a closer look at the sample feedback tools in the Scaffolding resource. Scaffolding for Student Success Module 4 outlines a five-step process for creating tools for classroom use. The purpose of Module 2 is to examine key conditions that set the stage for effective feedback.