Gladiator fights Lesson Objectives To understand what it was like to be a gladiator To consider if the Romans were cruel and Blood thirsty
Starter Can you notice the different things going on in the picture? What does this picture tell us about Roman entertainment How does this picture make you feel?
The Roman amphitheatre was the centre of public entertainment all over the Roman Empire. People would go to the amphitheatre to see men fighting wild beasts or each other. These men were called gladiators. It was a cruel sport because someone was usually killed.
Who were the Gladiators? Slaves, criminals and prisoners of war or professional fighters The gladiators would train/exercise every day helping to prepare them for fights. If they won a lot of fights they would earn money which they could use to buy their freedom. If you were a really good gladiator and won a lot of fights you would become quite famous in the Roman Empire.
The Games Some gladiator fights were part of a big event called ‘the games’ These games would take place in the Colosseum in Rome. 50,000 people could watch the games. During the games there were three different fights. In the morning there would be animal shows were animals would fight each other. Then midday there would be gladiators fighting animals and then finally it would be time for gladiator fights.
What was it like at a gladiator fight? The popularity of these fights led to the deaths of over 800,000 people in the Colosseum in Rome. The Emperor would decide if the gladiator should live or die he would listen to the crowds noises before deciding if a gladiator should live or die. A lot of Roman citizens would gamble money on who would win certain fights. rich citizens normally sat near the front and the poor at the back The crowd was often very rowdy and enjoyed seeing the violence of the fights.
Different types of Gladiators 1) Samnite 3) Thracian 2) Murmillo 4) Retiarius
What did the Roman’s think of Gladiator fights Kill! They shout. ‘Beat him! Burn him! Why wont he face the sword? What a coward! Why can’t he die more eagerly? We must have something to watch.’’ Wasting your time at a show that makes you more cruel and less decent. In the morning men were thrown to the lions and bears. The crowd shouted,‘kill him! Flog him! Burn him!’ A Roman writer criticising what he had seen at the Games. Written by Seneca in AD 60