Kala White, Chasidy Ward,Alexis Stewart
What Neptune Has Neptune is blue. Neptune is made of various “ices and rocks. Neptune’s temperature is 350 F (210 C) Neptune’s atmosphere contains hydrogen,helium, and methane Neptune has 8 moon and 4 rings
Size and Distance Neptune is 4,496 million killometers away from the sun. The size of neptune is 30,775 miles in diamiter.
Days and years on Neptune Day-16.ll hours in earth days Year Earth days
5 Facts about Neptune 1.Neptune is the last of the four giant gas planet. 2.One Earth would fit into Neptune’s great dark spot. 3.Neptune has 7 small moons and 1 big moon. 4. Neptune is name after the Roman God of sea. 5.And of course Neptune is Blue.
Websites and books we look at Our Solar System 3.google.com