By Pamela Kollross B.A. Health Promoter – Mental Health
Wellness in the Workplace What is wellness? Health –physical, mental Happiness –social, emotional Why is wellness a workplace issue? Moral Absentee-ism Presentee-ism Staff turnover
The Problem Today There is a tremendous pressure to do it all for family, work, and home We feel frustrated and guilty when we run out of energy to handle all our tasks We can all create and manage our own wellness at work
Physical Reactions to Stress Stress is a body response to an internal or external challenge It is primitive It is often unavoidable
Environmental factors like the economy Illness Pushing your body too hard Personal choices Hormonal factors Emotional issues What are your stressors?
Grinding teethNon-stop talking Increased Smoking Depression Feeling helpless Headaches Over or under eatingLapses in memory Anger, mood swingsAnxiety, Nausea, High blood pressureIBS Withdrawal from others What are your symptoms?
Recognize your triggers Know what you can fix/change Throw away what you cannot control (Other People) Anticipate problems and solve/avoid them Ventilation in a supportive environment Dealing with your stress
Stress Busting Skills Breathing Exercises Meditation Progressive Relaxation Stretching and exercising Get enough sleep
Mental Skills Your thoughts are one of your most powerful coping tools Social skills Connect with friends and family Distractions Keep busy with activities that involve your family/friends and are low cost Spiritual What has the most meaning in your life? Focus on what is important to you.
Making a plan Making decisions List your options and their consequences Talk to your partner Don’t procrastinate List your to do’s –is it reasonable Delegate If you have too much on your plate, share the load
Sacrifice perfection to get the job done Plan your day around your energy levels Periodically take stock and reassess Remember your basic health, eat right get enough sleep have some fun Balancing your time
Setting limits can give you back time for yourself. Limit setting takes practice and consistency. By deciding what is important to you, you will be able to seewhere your time needs to be increased. Limits create balance
Change is inevitable New policies, more job responsibilities We often feel tremendous stress, frustration, and even anger Resistance to change is natural Workplace change
When change happens we focus on what is out of our control. We get angry Instead, learn to focus on what you can control Optimists choose to feel hopeful about situations Practice self talk “A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery on a detour.” View change positively
Before – One step at a time During – Relax and be calm, breath After – I can turn off the worry now. During a stressful event
By changing our interpretation we can change our stress. Find the shoes What is expected of you? Can you surprise to disarm? Can you decide that you can handle the challenge? Can you change your mind?
Team Building Get to know each other Make your work place comfortable Debrief but then focus on what went right
When we give our time and energy to others, we drain ourselves. By spending time doing things that you enjoy, you can replenish your energy stores. Hot BathManicure Massage Walk in the woods Pamper yourself
Summary Wellness in the workplace is something we can all have and maintain Stress is normal and it can be managed with Ventilating, Relaxation, Delegating Finding a balance and creating limits is healthy We can all work together on our health and happiness.