FEDERAL GOV. 10% funding Direct financial aid Education Department Announces Regulations STATE GOV. 90% funding Responsible for education systems Legislatures create standards and assessments NON-GOV. & PRIVATE AFFILIATIONS Corporate sponsorship Private donations Produce budget cuts LOCAL GOV. Key decisions Enforce curriculum, disciplinary policy, and human capital Provide classroom funds
Finances Federal Government 10% funding Much of the federal dollars depends on the amount of free and reduced lunches in a particular school Direct financial aid Collect statistics Evaluate programs & policies Implement & monitor “Elementary and Secondary Education Act” Offer competitive grants “No Child Left Behind” funds K-12 education with federal dollars State & Local Government 90% funding Responsible for controlling, providing, & allocating finances In 2007, $9700 of public revenue was spent on each child in K-12 public schools In the school year, $1.15 trillion was provided by state, local, and private sources. State funds- local boards- local school = classroom support of $310 per teacher Total taxpayer investments in K- 12 schools in 2004 totaled $536 billion in The United States
Finances Non-governmental/private financial affiliations There are approximately 150 major educational foundations PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) programs raise money for individual schools by promoting fund raisers, shows, ect. Corporate sponsorships and private donations create marginal budget cuts each year. Funds for aspects such as phone bills, water bills, janitor supplies, copier lease, lawn equipment, and office supplies must be raised by each individual school and/or school systems. In areas of sports or extra curricular activities, all proceeds gathered from admissions go to that particular sport for funds.
MAJOR DIFFERENCES IN FUNDING LEVELS ACROSS THE COUNTRY Difference between States New Jersey- $16,163 per student New York- $15,546 per student Utah- $ 5,706 per student Difference within a state OHIO : Rural & low poverty- $8,680 per student Urban & high poverty- $13,116 per student Average- $ 10,254
Influence Federal Government The Education Department’s mission is to promote student achievement and preparation for global competitiveness by fostering educational excellence and ensuring equal access. Raise national awareness of educational challenges, reveal discoveries on best ways of teaching & learning, and helping systems work out any issues Improve results of education systems for all students Announces regulations to ensure states following the “No Child Left Behind” Act State & Local Governments Responsible for maintaining & controlling educational systems Establish schools, develop criteria, and determine requirements of students Each state has a “Chief State School Officer” Departments regulate federal funds, disburse grants, and provide info, resources, and tools in support of local implementation of requirements Local Governments decide curriculum, disciplinary policy, & human capital. Local school boards, superintendents, & school level leaders are apart of the local levels.
INFLUENCE NON-GOVERNMENTAL/PRIVATE AFFILIATIONS In 2010, Mark Zuckerberg gave $100 million to Newark, NJ public schools Education is the 2 nd largest beneficiary of private giving in The U.S at more than $40 billion per year Private support comes from thousands of public education funds and thousands of parent teacher organizations
How do finance and influence coincide? Example of budget/education cuts: 1.Hawaii cut the school year by 17 days. 2.Arizona eliminated preschool for thousands of kids. 3.States ranging from Colorado and Illinois to Michigan and Massachusetts reduced K-12 spending by 5% in the 2011 budgets. * Without the funds provided by the federal, state, local governments and private affiliations, our educational systems would suffer and be non-existent. Education is an expensive, but valued industry.
How do finance and influence coincide? Aside from government funding, large foundations, businesses, school foundations, and other educational support organizations (ESOs) are all major players. While additional funds are meeting the needs of many school systems, there are still limits on what the private and non-profit sectors can do for education. Basically, the more money that is put into the educational system results in a higher and more developed education for students.
What have I learned? The main aspect of public education that I have learned is the money spent on each child in the public education system varies depending on the state department. Until researching this topic, I had not realized how big of a difference there can be in budgets and costs per student. The differences in funding levels across the country and within each state astounds me. It hurts me to know that some children do not receive the best education strictly because of their geographical location. White or black, male or female, rural or urban, all children should receive the same education.. Or at least, that is what I say.