Page 1 Various Topics WGISS 18 - Beijing September 6-10, 2004 I.Petiteville, ESA
Page 2 List of Topics Task Team Closure WGISS Minutes of Meeting Future WGISS meetings
Page 3 Task Team Closure Background Closure procedure Future Actions
Page 4 Background Since WGISS early days, 27 Task Teams (TT) have been created then closed Several TTs have produced material ( e.g. guideline documents, prototype servers, presentations,..) that cannot be accessed anymore: –Important loss for anyone who might need this information later –Keeping some of this material accessible would demonstrate the concrete achievements of WGISS “Proper” closure procedure to be followed when closing a TT (or completing a Project)
Page 5 Closure Procedure (1/2) As a minimum, the following should be accessible via Internet, hosted on the Project Web Site: –TT template (as defined at the start) –The description of the achievements of the TT –The material generated while the TT was active ( e.g. documents, PowerPoint presentations,..) If possible, prototypes systems implemented by the TT should be kept alive as long as possible
Page 6 Closure Procedure (2/2) WITT should move the TT tab from the Sub-Group menu to the “Past Achievement” section WGISS 5-year plan, Annex F (“ List of Current and Completed Tasks” ) to be updated If the Project Web Site cannot be maintained any longer, a new site (WGISS or outside) should be looked for and the information should be transferred to it. The most important material should be duplicated in the “document” section of the WGISS web site.
Page 7 Future Actions Apply the procedure to: –current TTs being closed (e.g. Oil Spill ) –Some past TTs whenever feasible Draft List of TTs proposed for a “proper” closureList of TTs proposed
Page 8
Page 9 WGISS Minutes of meeting Is there a need for MoM ? –Is the list of actions & decisions sufficient If MoM are needed what should be the content ? –E.g. main statements ? –All statements outside the PowerPoint presentations How should the MoM be written ? –Only by Secretary (Rita) under Chair supervision ? –Completed with notes from some WGISS participants ?
Page 10 Future WGISS meetings
Page 11 Future WGISS meetings WGISS-19 Argentina (joint with WGCV) –Organiser CONAE –DateMarch 7-11, 2005 (TBC) –Location Cordoba (TBC) –Contact Hugo Marraco
Page 12 Future WGISS meetings (cont’) WGISS-20 Ukraine –Organiser NSAU, Space Research Institute –Date August 2005 (TBC) –Location Kiev (TBC) –Contact Dr. Oleksandr Kolodyazhnyy ) WGISS-21 Hungary –Organiser ? –Date April or May 2006 –Location ? –Contact L.Czaran (UN)
Page 13 Future WGISS meetings (cont’) WGISS 22: –Organiser ? –Date September / October 2006 –Location North America ????? Asia ??? –Contact ? Light organization of WGISS events is fine