Welcome to the 2014 SATs Meeting
The KS2 tests are designed to test children’s knowledge and understanding of specific elements of the KS2 programmes of study They provide a snapshot of a child’s attainment at the end of the key stage An Overview of the Key Stage 2 Tests
SATs Tests A series of National Tests in English and Maths. Science - biennial pupil sampling starts 2014 Taken under strict test conditions Every Year 6 child in the country will be taking the same paper at the same time.
SATs Tests Maths Tests, Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar Tests and Reading Tests are externally marked Science will not be taken by a whole cohort, instead 9,500 children from 1,900 schools will be tested – this equates to ~ 5 children External administrators will agree science test dates and the administration of them – 3 papers, 25 minutes each We will be notified by the end of April – it is a statutory obligation to participate
SATs Tests Science test results are published as national data only and individual results will not be returned to school English writing is based on Teacher Assessment of independent work throughout the year They are a measure of the progress that individual children have made and the standards they have achieved
Maths Test Levels 3-5 –3 x 45 minute papers –No calculator paper this year –20 minute mental maths test Marks from all 3 tests will give a child’s overall level Level 6 –30 minute non calculator paper –30 minute calculator paper
Level 6 – Maths Test Children taking L6 test should have covered the KS2 level of study in depth and be secure in their knowledge of L5 Should be able to work independently to apply knowledge within unfamiliar and challenging problems, while thinking analytically and communicating ideas effectively
Level 6 – Maths Test They will be starting to identify the mathematics to be used where the signposting of mathematical concepts is less obvious and/or what is being asked is less familiar KS3 – there will be elements not yet encountered in KS2 - children will not be expected to answer all questions correctly to gain a level 6 Elements of KS3 programme of study that the test covers are not specified
Spelling and Grammar Test Levels 3-5 –2 parts = 70 marks –Paper 1 – short answer questions assessing grammar, punctuation and vocabulary knowledge –Paper 2 – Spellings – 20 sentences with missing words based on all spelling rules covered in KS2 Level 6 test is available
Reading Test Levels 3-5 –Reading booklet of three or four texts, not linked by a theme –Least demanding text first, increasing in difficulty –1 hour to read and complete Level 6 test is available
Writing Levels All writing is teacher assessed and can be moderated by external moderators Yet to be informed
Level 6 Tests L6 tests in english reading, writing and mathematics now form part of the suite of KS2 National Curriculum tests Are optional and aimed at high attaining children who are already demonstrating attainment above L5 To be awarded an overall L6 in a subject, a child must achieve both a L5 in the end of KS2 test and pass the L6 test for that subject
Test Results The results are passed on to KS3 and are used to help decide which sets the children will initially be put into The SATs results are only a ‘snap-shot’ of a child’s performance on that day, therefore ‘Teacher Assessment’ data for Reading, Writing, Maths and Science is also sent They are taken seriously at school and it is important that your child does their very best to achieve their potential
What level should my child be working at? Level 3 – Below National Average 3C, 3B, 3A Level 4 – National Average (4B) 4C, 4B, 4A Level 5 – Above National Average 5C, 5B, 5A
A level 3 does not mean that your child is illiterate or a failure! All children start their education at different starting points and they have all made their own progress We aim at St Margaret’s for all children to make 4 points progress which equate to 2 sub-levels. This, if achieved, is outstanding progress What level should my child be working at?
What are we doing in school to ensure that children make the best progress? Maths and Literacy Intervention Literacy – Reading –Developing skills of inference and deduction IEP Support Boosters – to commence after half term with Mrs Ridout MVA – Opportunities for these children to work with increasing independence on challenging activities
How can you help your child at home? Establish/maintain a good working routine at home Encourage your child to begin revising sooner rather than later, so that it is a steady process and not a last minute rush, giving time to attend to anything they are not sure of Encourage your child to really work to the best of their ability
Homework Please ensure that the quality of your child’s homework is the best it can be Let the children do their own work and check afterwards for any mis- understandings
Homework A lot of the homework after half term will be based on past SAT questions Children need to be encouraged to read the information they are given very carefully and really think about what it means Literacy questions that ask for a more detailed answer – mean just that. Children need to refer in detail to what they have read and often need to explain their opinions clearly and succinctly
Homework – Example Question A maths question which ends with... “Explain how you know”...needs a mathematical explanation e.g. If you roll a dice are you more likely to get an even number or a 6? Explain how you know
Maths Revision CGP – Curriculum Group Publications offer some very good revision/study materials KS2 Targeted Maths Study Books Levels 3,4,5 and 6
Maths Question Books These books have sets of questions on different maths topic areas: E.g. Fractions, decimals, negative numbers, data handling, probability etc
KS2 Maths SAT Practice Papers These packs have 3 sets of: –Mental Maths Paper A Tests –Paper B Tests Answers are included
Literacy Revision The Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation Test The SAT Buster Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation books would be very useful for preparation for this test Answers are included
KS2 English SATs Practice Papers These include Levels 3-5 –Reading Tests –Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation Tests 2 full sets of tests Answers are included
Ordering Revision Materials All orders for revision materials must be with me by: Monday 10 th February Cheques payable to: St Margaret’s School Fund Or Correct cash in a named envelope
Additional materials that might help you support your child Helping children with mathematics: Year 5- 6 Mental maths – question types 5, 10 and 15 second questions Reading – questions to develop comprehension skills Spelling rules and exemplars
KS2 Bitesize
What will SATs week involve?
This is a very demanding week so we suggest... Early nights A good breakfast Final short bursts of revision (no cramming – it doesn’t work!) Rest and relaxation
Afternoons at School during SATS We shall be doing some last minute focussed work for the tests – going over any last minute insecurities or worries that your child may have
SATs week is 12 th -16 th May 2014 No holidays No medical appointments No absence. Please! –Even if your child feels sick – send them in and they will be tested in another room There is no flexibility in these tests – your child just has the one chance Please keep children ‘up to speed’ over Easter holidays
Sample Papers Please feel free to have a look at some past SAT papers for English and Maths If you have any further questions – don’t hesitate to ask
Thank You For Your Time