Find a Partner … … whose template/lesson is in the same grade band as yours. You’ll work with that person for the session. Developed by the Milwaukee Mathematics Partnership (MMP) with support by the National Science Foundation
MTL Meeting April 5 th and 7 th, 2011 Rosann Hollinger Pandora Bedford Connie Laughlin Bernard Rahming Hank Kepner Developed by the Milwaukee Mathematics Partnership (MMP) with support by the National Science Foundation.
Learning Intention We are learning to deepen our understanding of the lesson planning process and connections to effective questions. Developed by the Milwaukee Mathematics Partnership (MMP) with support by the National Science Foundation
Success Criteria We will know we are successful when we can infuse effective questions into the lesson to promote learning for every student. Developed by the Milwaukee Mathematics Partnership (MMP) with support by the National Science Foundation
Role Set Up and Directions Teacher: Briefly describe an overview of the lesson for the coach. Focus on the part of the lesson that you want to build questions. Coach: Use a pattern of pausing, paraphrasing, and questioning.
Acting It Out What did you observe about the conversation between teacher and coach? Developed by the Milwaukee Mathematics Partnership (MMP) with support by the National Science Foundation
Learning-Focused Conversation Teacher: Briefly describe an overview of the lesson for the coach. Focus on the part of the lesson that you want to build questions. Coach: Use a pattern of pausing, paraphrasing, and questioning.
Creating Effective Questions Each person writes their own questions for their lesson generated from the coaching conversation. Developed by the Milwaukee Mathematics Partnership (MMP) with support by the National Science Foundation
Back With Your Partner … Share your questions with each other. You may want to return to your “coaching stance”! Developed by the Milwaukee Mathematics Partnership (MMP) with support by the National Science Foundation
Learning Intention We are learning to deepen our understanding of the lesson planning process and the connections to effective questions. Developed by the Milwaukee Mathematics Partnership (MMP) with support by the National Science Foundation
Success Criteria We will know we are successful when we can infuse effective questions into the lesson to promote learning for every student. Developed by the Milwaukee Mathematics Partnership (MMP) with support by the National Science Foundation
Time to Reflect In what ways did today’s process help you build effective questions? Developed by the Milwaukee Mathematics Partnership (MMP) with support by the National Science Foundation