United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Statistical Division Main Conclusions of the Training Workshop on Disseminating MDG Indicators and Statistical Information Astana, Kazakhstan, November 2009 Petteri Baer, Regional Adviser, UNECE
Petteri Baer - UNECE Statistical Division Slide Organizations represented in this Expert Group Meeting The National Statistical Institutes of Armenia (2) Azerbaijan (2), Kazakhstan(10), Moldova (1), Mongolia (2), Russian Federation (2), Tajikistan (2), Ukraine (2) and Uzbekistan (2) As Resource persons providing presentations Petteri Baer and Steven Vale from UNECE And additionally Azer Ahmedov, Lilia Racu and Dinara Zhandaeva
Petteri Baer - UNECE Statistical Division Slide Outcome of the Training Workshop We have all learnt a great lot about Dissemination and marketing of MDG Indicators and statistical information as a strategic challenge Building relations with different user categories & building trust The importance of databases in the dissemination work – both externally and for providing good and rapid information services The importance of metadata & user friendliness Different software approaches for dissemination of statistical information The importance of customer databases and the challenges of good customer relation management
Petteri Baer - UNECE Statistical Division Slide Outcome of the Workshop (2) We have also learned from each other new things about how to make the dissemination process more efficient Steven Vale gave 6 and Petteri Baer 7 presentations We had interesting case presentations from Azerbaijan Kazakhstan …and especially from Moldova
Petteri Baer - UNECE Statistical Division Slide Outcome of the Workshop (3) Cornerstones of efficient dissemination Good quality of the presented indicators Together with good visual presentation With sufficient metadata Proactive dissemination Easy accessibility Modern dissemination tools & databases All the factors are important at the same time!
Petteri Baer - UNECE Statistical Division Slide Production and dissemination has a strong link to Statistical Capacity Building MDG indicators are a part of normal reporting of a comprehensive set of official statistics Proactive dissemination issues and building relations to different user categories is today appreciated more than earlier The production possibilities are in direct relation to the statistical capacity of the NSI and other producers of official statistics The support of the international organizations is of great value to the national production of MDG indicators
Petteri Baer - UNECE Statistical Division Slide The facilities of this Expert Group Meeting The venue of the meeting In the Headquarters building of Statistics Kazakhstan in Astana has been excellent Modern facilities cabinets for working groups Good lunch & coffee/tea break service A great thank to our Kazakh organizers, all involved staff members for good arrangements! A great thank to the interpreters for good interpretation Some problems with the translated slides; final slide material will be available on the UNECE web site
Petteri Baer - UNECE Statistical Division Slide Thank you all ;-) A great thank to all participants for active participation in the discussions! And remember: You cannot learn to swim if you don’t go into the water! Only used statistics is useful statistics