Unit: Sound and Light Lesson 1: What are Waves? Essential Questions: 1.) What forms mechanical waves? 2.) What are the types of mechanical waves?
Characteristics of Waves A disturbance that Wave transfers energy The material throughMedium which a wave travels Waves that travel Mechanical wave through a medium
What is the medium? Water Air Rope
A back-and-forth orVibration up-and-down motion Moving objects have energy The energy causes the medium to vibrate The vibration causes a wave
Energy Source Where does the energy come from? Medium What is the medium? Vibration What happens when the water vibrates?
Transverse Wave Movement of the rope Direction of the wave
Transverse Wave Crest Trough
Longitudinal Wave Movement of the slinky Direction of the wave
Longitudinal Wave An area where the coils Compression are close together An area where the coils Rarefaction are spread out
Surface Waves A combination of transverse and longitudinal waves This wave travels along a surface that separates two mediums The water moves back and forth The bottle moves in a circular motion