Dramatic Irony/Metaphor By: Sadiyah R. Wolfe
What is Dramatic Irony? Dramatic Irony is a plot device in literature whereas the audience or readers are aware of events that occur that other characters may be unaware. The words and actions of the characters therefore take on a different meaning for the audience or reader than they have for the play’s characters. This may happen when, for example, a character reacts in an inappropriate or foolish way or when a character lacks self-awareness and thus acts under false assumptions.
Example of Dramatic Irony A popular form of Dramatic Irony is expressed throughout literature in a Genre called “Tragedy.” Literature by William Shakespeare such as Othello, Romeo & Juliet are the most familiar forms of Dramatic Irony O Henry, Gift of the Maji Titanic
What is a Metaphor? met·a·phor ˈ metə ˌ fôr,-fər/ noun noun: metaphor; plural noun: metaphors 1. a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable.
Example of Metaphor Metaphors are devices that make a comparison without the use of “as” or “like” as a simile would do. Ex: The man was a tall skyscraper. Gone with the wind She was a shining star in the skySuperman
Work Cited Britannica Classic: O. Henry’s “The Gift of the Magi. Video. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. Web. 1 Nov Othello: with Branagh. Photograph. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. Web. 1 Nov