Moving Research to Practice: Implementing the Math-in-CTE Model NACTEI May 22, 2008.


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Moving Research to Practice: Implementing the Math-in-CTE Model
Presentation transcript:

Moving Research to Practice: Implementing the Math-in-CTE Model NACTEI May 22, 2008

Welcome! Dr. Donna Pearson Associate Director, NRCCTE Dr. Sherrie Schneider Lead Facilitator, NRCCTE

Disclaimer: The work reported herein was supported under the National Research Center for Career and Technical Education, PR/Award No. VO51A990006, Administered by the Office of Vocational and Adult Education, U.S. Department of Education. However, the contents do not necessarily reflect the position or policies of the Office of Vocational and Adult Education or the U.S. Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.

The Research

Math-in-CTE: The Study Does enhancing the CTE curriculum with math increase math skills of CTE students? Can we infuse enough math into CTE curricula to meaningfully enhance the academic skills of CTE participants…... Without reducing technical skill development? What works?

National Research Center AutoTech Experimental Control BusEd Experimental Control IT Experimental Control Ag P&T Experimental Control Health Experimental Control Sample :57 Experimental CTE/Math teams and 74 Control CTE Teachers Total sample: 3,000 students* Study Design School Year

The Research Design X C C X Difference On-going fidelity of treatment measures Difference The Experimental Treatment

Measuring Math and Technical Skill Achievement Global math improvement Technical skill development General, grade level tests (Terra Nova, AccuPlacer, WorkKeys) NOCTI, AYES, MarkED

What we found: All CTEx vs All CTEc Post test % correct controlling for pre-test p=.02p=.03p=ns

* *p<.10 No difference in four sites; experimental students scored significantly higher in one site.

Effect size (Cohen’s d) All Classes Terra Nova (d=.55) Accuplacer (d=.42) By Site Site A –WorkKeys (d=2.8) Site B- TerraNova (d=.69) Site C –Accuplacer (d=.85) Site E- Terra Nova (d=.64) Site F – AccuPlacer (d=.39) What we found: Magnitude of effect Carnegie Learning Corporation Cognitive Tutor Algebra I d=.22 Percentile “Shift” From 50th to: 71st 67th 99th 76th 81st 74th 66th

What we found: Time invested in math enhancements Average of hours across all sites devoted to math enhanced lessons (not just math but math in the context of CTE) Assume a 180 days in a school year; one hour per class per day Average CTE class time investment = 10.3%

Power of the New Professional Development Paradigm Old Model PD New Model PD Total Surprise!

What is the Math-in-CTE Model?

A Curriculum Integration Model Grounded in evidence-based research Guided by core principles

Not a curriculum… Not a replacement… a process and a pedagogy through which to enhance and teach the math embedded within existing CTE curricula A Process and A Pedagogy

What Makes it Work? Core Principles

A. Foster and sustain a community of practice Provide structure and support to build and sustain communities of practice over time. Extended professional development Critical mass around a single content area External “stimuli” - incentives; encouragement On-going support

B. Begin with the CTE curriculum, not with the math curriculum. CTE-math teacher teams: interrogate the curriculum to identify the math embedded. create curriculum maps that identify the intersection of occupational content and math concepts. use a scope and sequence to guide implementation of math-enhanced CTE lessons.

CTE PROGRAMCTE UNITCTE CONCEPTS MATH CONCEPTS HEALTH OCCUPATIONS Human Structure and Function Compare cell, tissue, organ and body systems relationships Solve linear equations Read and interpret graphs and charts Problem solving involving statistical data Ratio and Proportion CONSTRUCTIONDry wallDetermine amount of wall board to purchase for a specific room Multiplication and division of whole numbers and decimals Area of rectangle CURRICULUM MAPPING

C. Address the math in CTE as an essential workplace skill. CTE-math teacher teams generate math examples in which students solve authentic workplace problems. CTE teachers introduce and reinforce math as a “tool” to use in the workplace. CTE teachers bridge CTE and math vocabulary as they develop and teach lessons.

D. Maximize the math in CTE CTE-math teacher teams continue to locate as much math as possible in the CTE curricula throughout the year. CTE teachers build on students’ prior knowledge and skills. CTE teachers capitalize on teachable moments that follow math-enhanced lessons.

The Seven Elements Pedagogic Framework 1. Introduce the CTE lesson 2. Assess students’ math awareness 3. Work through the embedded example 4. Work through related, contextual examples 5. Work through traditional math examples 6. Students demonstrate understanding 7. Formal assessment

E. Support CTE teachers as “teachers of math-in-CTE,” not as math teachers. CTE teachers participate in professional development activities that enable them to teach the math as it occurs in their CTE content. Learn more about the math concepts in their curriculum. Help CTE teachers learn math formulas and vocabulary. Provide opportunities for CTE teachers to practice teach the math in their curricula.

How does the Math-in-CTE Model relate to Perkins IV?

Requirement: Comprehensive professional development activities that support CTE teacher preparation. Challenge: Selecting a PD approach that results in enhanced teacher development and student learning/outcomes. Math/CTE Strategy: Provides teachers with instructional strategies based on research and demonstrated through practice.

Requirement: Curriculum integration that promotes opportunities for academic/CTE teachers to jointly develop curriculum and instructional strategies. Challenge: CTE/academic teachers are not familiar with other content area and rarely develop instructional curriculum and strategies together. Math/CTE Strategy: Provide/support activities that promote partnerships and collaboration between CTE and academic teachers.

Requirement: Professional development that is sustained, rigorous and is not a one-day or short-term workshop. Challenge: Teacher time commitment and engagement can be difficult. Math/CTE Strategy: Provide ongoing support for teachers participation in year- long professional development activities.

Requirement: Professional development that includes research-based pedagogical instruction and strategies. Challenge: Selecting a practice that supports current state/local school reform imperatives. Math-in-CTE Strategy: Provide a research proven practice that complements and supports current school reform practice.

Requirement: Professional development activities that coordinate secondary and postsecondary curricula and instructional strategies. Challenge: Curricula and instruction are not clearly aligned between secondary and post- secondary. Math-in-CTE Strategy: “Curriculum mapping” process provides a foundational step for aligning curriculum and instructional process/strategies.

Math-in-CTE Model Meets Perkins IV Requirements Research-based model Promotes curriculum integration Provides teachers with proven instructional strategies Promotes partnerships between CTE and academic teachers Fosters communities of practice

How can I make this happen in my state or region?

First Steps: Form a leadership/planning team Identify funding sources Identify key stakeholders Share information with decision-makers Build consensus at the state/regional level Develop marketing/PR strategies to attract teachers Identify CTE content areas for implementation

Facing challenges: Budget issues, “freeze” on travel, etc…. Work with local/state business partners to develop a shared funding approach Leverage resources through “pooled” Perkins funding between districts or regions Include Math-in-CTE model in state and local Perkins plans Support Implementation through other funded grants and reserve funding

Final thoughts: Math-in-CTE Model A powerful, evidence based strategy for improving math skills of students; Not a substitute for traditional math courses Lab (experiential venue) for mastering what many students learn but don’t understand A way but not THE way to help high school students master math

Math-in-CTE Technical Assistance

Our Goal: At the request of your state or region Share what we have learned through research Build your state, regional, or district capacity to implement and sustain the model On a cost-recovery basis

Math-in-CTE Technical Assistance At the request of states… Three ways… Introductory Presentations and Workshops Math-in-CTE 5-day Jump-Start (Begins Dec 1-3 in Charlotte) Implementation of the Math-in-CTE Model


For Math-in-CTE Information:

For more information about Math-in-CTE Donna Pearson University of Louisville (502)