Nouns and Verbs
Nouns A noun is a word used to name a person, place, or thing. Listen to a song about These Are PeopleThe Dog is a ThingYour Home is a Place
Nouns What are some parts of the computer that you know? What are some hobbies that you have? What are the names of some of your classmates? These are ALL nouns!!!
Proper Nouns Proper nouns are names of specific people, places, or things. Proper nouns are capitalized. Examples: – Brad – London – Walgreens Play this fun game to learn about proper
Verbs Verbs are action words or linking words. They are words that you can do. They are words like be, is, are, was, and were. Verbs can be in the past, present, or future. Listen to a song about verbs. These kids are doing sports. The verbs are in pink! Scott swings a bat. Dameon plays basketball. Ashley skates with friends. Mark sails through the air.
Past Verbs Past means something that already happened. Examples: – I went to my grandmother’s house last weekend. – Patricia was happy yesterday. – Cory bought a new dog on Sunday. – Tony fell off the swing at recess.
Present Verbs Present means something that is happening right now. Examples: – Jared is very tall. – Jimmy loves math class. – Shelly has a pet cat. – We are in fourth grade.
Verbs What are the animals doing in this movie clip? movie clip What verbs would you use to describe their actions?
Let’s Review Nouns are people, places, or things. There are common nouns and proper nouns. Verbs are action words or linking words. Verbs can be in the past, present, or future.
Let’s Review We’ve learned a lot about nouns and verbs. Can you tell the difference between nouns and verbs? Test your knowledge with this – Make sure you choose the beginner one! – Have fun!!! – Call me over when you are done playing so I can see how you did.