The Introduction Expectations for a successful introduction
Sample Introduction The term "sports" evokes many images: tennis, golf, basketball, baseball, football, and bowling, to name a few. During any of these friendly challenges of skill, one can witness players bouncing, hitting, passing, dribbling, throwing, or rolling a ball in order to score points. One sport exists, however, where the object is to deliver blows to the body of another in order to score points. This sport is boxing, a brutal exchange of hooks, swings, and jabs that may eventually knock one athlete unconscious. Due to the many dangers associated with the sport, the rules of professional boxing should be changed.
Hook and Thesis Statement Due to the many dangers associated with the sport, the rules of professional boxing should be changed. The term "sports" evokes many images: tennis, golf, basketball, baseball, football, and bowling, to name a few. During any of these friendly challenges of skill, one can witness players bouncing, hitting, passing, dribbling, throwing, or rolling a ball in order to score points. One sport exists, however, where the object is to deliver blows to the body of another in order to score points. This sport is boxing, a brutal exchange of hooks, swings, and jabs that may eventually knock one athlete unconscious. Due to the many dangers associated with the sport, the rules of professional boxing should be changed. Notice that the hook is related to the topic (boxing) but does not directly state anything about boxing. Instead, it starts with the general idea of sports. The thesis clearly states what the essay will be about, but it doesn’t provide specific details. I could talk about two dangers – or I could talk about fifty!
Transition Sentences Due to the many dangers associated with the sport, the rules of professional boxing should be changed. The term "sports" evokes many images: tennis, golf, basketball, baseball, football, and bowling, to name a few. During any of these friendly challenges of skill, one can witness players bouncing, hitting, passing, dribbling, throwing, or rolling a ball in order to score points. One sport exists, however, where the object is to deliver blows to the body of another in order to score points. This sport is boxing, a brutal exchange of hooks, swings, and jabs that may eventually knock one athlete unconscious. Due to the many dangers associated with the sport, the rules of professional boxing should be changed. Notice the three transition sentences! The topic is gradually introduced. The author starts with “skills,” then moves to “blows to the body,” then finally introduces” boxing”. There are three sentences between the hook and the thesis. The reader is not introduced to the topic, boxing, until the fourth sentence
Your Turn You will edit a classmate’s introduction You will be graded on how thoroughly you edit and answer the questions provided to you from you me Do not be afraid to give honest feedback – better it comes from you before I grade it, then from me as part of their grade! Be open to the feedback – don’t take it personally