What do Christians believe about their responsibility to animals?
Learning Objectives; to understand and explain Christian views about the treatment of animals. Learning Outcome; By the end of this lesson you will be able to identify and evaluate your own views and those of others about the relationship between humans and animals.
Are humans more important than animals? Yes/No/Not sure
A quick survey! Take a walk around the classroom and ask as many people as you Can: Do you have a pet ? If not why not? If you do why do you have a pets? How do you feel about you pet, is it part of the family or a ‘working’ pet? Record their responses in your exercise book.
So what is the relationship between humans and animals? What do you think ? What would a Christian say ?
Genesis 1:27-28 So god created man in his own image, the in image of God he created him; male and female he created them. God blessed them and said to them ’Be fruitful and increase In numbers; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground
Read through the statements on the Sheet. Imagine you are weighing the statements on a pair of scales. Divide the statements into two categories For and against. Allocate a number to each statement. 1 being completely agree, 5 being completely disagree. When you have completed this weigh the statements against each other and decide which side of the argument you are going to come down on. Write a 30 word summary of your view about the rights of animals and how they should be treated. Weighing up the argument: How should animals be treated?