Elementary School Parents Pre-K Teachers Students Community Birth Explicit and Systematic Alignment of Curriculum and Instruction Leadership High School College Middle School Collaboration of all key stakeholders working towards the common goal of student success at all levels 2
Source. Florida’s Graduation Rates from FDOE Education Information and Accountability Department Broward Florida
Source. Florida’s Graduation Rates from FDOE Education Information and Accountability Department With Charters Without Charters
Source. Florida’s Graduation Rates from FDOE Education Information and Accountability Department
I-Zones 2010 I-Zone Retention Rate Boyd Anderson9.6 Dillard4.4 Deerfield Beach4.1 Hallandale3.6 Stranahan3.3
Source. Florida’s Graduation Rates from FDOE Education Information and Accountability Department
student who is not overage. A student who is over-age for grade level by the 5th grade is over six hundred times more likely to be a low performing high school student than a student who is not over-age in fifth grade. Research, Evaluation, Assessment & Boundaries Research Services Department
student who is not overage. Insufficient Interventions Unresponsive Students High Mobility Rate Late Identification of Needs Misinterpretation of Policy Need for Response to Intervention Implementation With Fidelity 10
student who is not overage. 11
student who is not overage. 12
student who is not overage. Alignment of Curriculum Response to Instruction/Intervention Struggling Reader and Math Charts Electronic Scheduling Based on Student Data College Readiness Elementary Reading Summer Institute for Second and Third Grade Teachers 13
Task Force: Literacy, College Workforce, Graduation, Response to Intervention Professional Development for Administrators and Teachers Review of implementation and assessment practices, coaching models, Response to Intervention model, compliance with state and district policies and guidelines, and student support at targeted schools Overall Student Progress Overall Student Progress Third Grade Promotions High School Graduations 14
Ongoing support and monitoring for targeted schools to ensure programs and state/district policies and guidelines are implemented with fidelity Summer Academic Institute for second and third grade teachers and students Review of teacher hiring practices for Third Grade Summer Reading Camp Increased reading support through content area classrooms, JROTC, and CTACE Overall Student Progress Overall Student Progress Third Grade Promotions High School Graduations 15
16 Work collaboratively between district and community stakeholders to ensure all students become proficient readers and writers. Explore researched information that enhances knowledge about strategies for improving literacy Plan, organize, evaluate, and recommend literacy initiatives for all levels Collaborating for ChangeConnecting Through Literacy