Computer and Network Security Brendan Duncombe Bahein Maung
When code Attacks! Viruses: self replicating code. Worms: Self Contain program which spreads via vulnerabilities. Trojan Horse: program with benign capability that masks a sinister purpose Hidden activities.
Hackers Hackers are those who access systems without authorization. White Hat Hackers are those who access systems with permission or without, but with the intention to increase security. i.e. Security Experts who study vulnerabilities in a piece of software. Black Hat Hacking - a skilled hacker who uses his or her ability to pursue their interest illegally. They are often economically motivated, or may be representing a political cause. Sometimes, however, it is pure curiosity.
Phone Phreakers Phreakers are those who manipulate the phone system in an unauthorized manner. Makes phone call without paying for it.
Dos (Denial-of-Service) A DoS attack is an intentional action design to prevent legitimate users from making use of computer service. It is an asymmetric attack, in which a single person can harm a huge organization, such as a multinational corporation even a government. It is a terrorist arsenal.
DDoS(Distributed Dos) Attacks from multiple computers to one location with the intent to knock the system off the internet. Done by overwhelming the connection to the server Done from bot networks up for use by anyone who bids for their use. Method for hackers to be paid for their work.
Online Voting Voting via the internet. Potentially can get more people involved, since voting would be easier. Could be subjected to attacks and manipulation by hackers. No actual paper trail.
Online Voting Risks More difficult to preserve the privacy of the voter. Vote soliciting and vote selling Security of the election is depending on the home computer Voter deceiving application can be install by the third party Due to no hard record, electoral fraud can happen easily
What do you think? Is it ok for a hacker to enter a system without authorization even if they don’t harm anything or profit from their activity? If a hacker finds a vulnerability, do they have the obligation to tell the software/hardware vendor before they make the vulnerability public? How long? Should we have online voting? Electronic at all? Would it be ok, if there were a paper trail?