Gomer Learning Community: GLC Reading & Bug Club
Why should we teach reading? ● Creating a love of reading in children is potentially one of the most powerful ways of improving academic standards in school. ● There can be few better ways to improve pupils chances in school, or beyond in the wider world than to enable them to become truly independent readers.
Why do we teach reading? ● The programme of study that teachers must follow in both KS1 and KS2 consists of 2 dimensions: ● Word reading ● Comprehension ● Assessment throughout KS2: in every year of their junior education, children will sit Reading assessment papers, so their progress can be tracked. ● SATs: Year 6 pupils sit 2 Reading tests as part of their KS2 SATs.
Reading : what are the expectations? ● The new National Curriculum sets high standards for reading: ‘It is essential that, by the end of their primary education, all pupils are able to read fluently, and with confidence, in any subject in their forthcoming secondary education’ ● Word-reading: skilled word reading involves speedy pronunciation of unfamiliar words (decoding) and speedy recognition of familiar printed words. ● Comprehension: understanding of what has been read. Good comprehension develop through reading a wide range of reading material and through high quality discussion about a range of genres.
Reading : what is happening at GJS? ● Guided group reading sessions with the class teacher occur daily. Every child is part of a reading group, at least once a week. ● Reading comprehension is incorporated into weekly literacy lessons and guided reading sessions. ● 1 to 1 reading opportunities and precision teaching by TAs, currently allocated to those most in need. ● Phonics sessions taught in year 3 to all children by a specialist trained TA, following on in year 4 if needed. ● Library books (fiction and non-fiction) – 1 book per child at a time (changed on a weekly basis if needed) ● Bug Club – both books and online resources are available ● Termly Scholastic book fairs.
Reading: What is Bug Club? ● Bug club is the first whole-school reading programme, that joins books with an online reading world, to teach today's children to read. ● It provides children with an online reading resource which matches their individual reading level. ● The online resource enables children to practise essential comprehension skills.
Reading : how can I help my child succeed? Many tips and strategies are outlined in the hand-out: ● Practice: establish a regular reading time (reading with someone or alone). ● Listening to Reading: read stories out-loud to your child. ● Share: Allow children to enjoy reading with grandparents, siblings or friends. ● Homework: log onto Bug Club with your child. Complete the activities at the back of each Bug Club book with them. ● Reading material: Reading is not just for books! Encourage your children to read signs, leaflets, recipes, instructions and so on.
Reading: other useful resources ● You can now access Bug Club on an iPad by downloading a ‘Puffin’ app. ● If your child has forgotten or lost their Bug Club password or login, please ask their class teacher who will have a copy of all these details. ● Your child may like to access Bug Club online during our weekly homework club. Please ask their class teacher if you’d like them to have this opportunity during that time. ● To access past Reading SAT papers for year 6:
Reading in the classroom am ● Please take this opportunity to join a guided reading lesson in your child’s classroom. ● If you would like to use our ICT suite (The Gateway) to access Bug Club with your child for part of this time, please feel free to.