Man vs. the Mob
Senator ____ of South Carolina declared that the South would not give up its liberty to save the Union. 1. Henry Clay 2. John C. Calhoun 3. Noah Webster
Abolitionist ____ led the attack on the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry in Virginia. 1. John Brown 2. Frederick Douglass 3. William Lloyd Garrison
____ was elected president of the Confederate States of America. 1. Robert E. Lee 2. Thomas Jefferson 3. Jefferson Davis
An unreasonable and often unfavorable opinion of another group, not based on fact 1. Hatred 2. Prejudice 3. Pride
Political Party which believed that native-born Americans should receive better treatment than immigrants 1. Republicans 2. Whigs 3. Know-Nothings
Henry Clay’s proposal to find a middle ground to the slavery issue 1. Compromise of MO Compromise 3. Treaty of Hidalgo
Many northern whites objected to slavery because they believed it 1. made the South better off than the North. 2.made the South politically stronger than the North. 3.violated principles of the Christian religion.
Under popular sovereignty, the decision whether or not to allow slavery in a territory was made by 1. the voters of the territory. 2.the Supreme Court. 3.the President.
Mexican General Santa Anna warned that which U.S. action would mean war? 1. the crossing the Nueces River 2.the capture of Mexico City 3.the annexation of Texas
With which issue was the Wilmot Proviso concerned? 1. slavery in the Northwest Territory 2.slavery in the territory acquired from Mexico 3.the annexation of Texas
Why did the Whig Party collapse in the 1850s? 1. It was absorbed by the Democratic Party. 2. Its leaders refused to compromise. 3. It did not address the issue of slavery.
The Kansas-Nebraska bill gave Kansas voters the right to 1. choose or reject slavery. 2. organize Emigrant Aid societies. 3. give women the vote.
In the election year of 1860, the Democratic Party 1. united against slavery. 2. split into northern and southern divisions. 3. nominated John Bell.
Secessionists believed that they had a right to leave the Union, because 1. they had joined it voluntarily. 2. it had been created unconstitutionally. 3. they were being unfairly taxed..
Word meaning to join or attach 1.Secede 2.Annex 3.Separate
A person who wanted the South to leave the Union 1.Secessionist 2.Nationalist 3.Abolitionist
Who were the main supporters of the new Republican Party? 1. slaveholders 2.antislavery Northerners 3.antislavery Southerners
Angered by insults aimed at his uncle, Preston Brooks used a cane to beat 1. Andrew Butler. 2.John Brown. 3.Charles Sumner..
In the 1858 Illinois Senate race, Stephen Douglas defeated 1. Abraham Lincoln. 2.James Buchanan. 3.Robert E. Lee.
States from the Upper South seceded when 1. Lincoln called for volunteers. 2.Fort Sumter surrendered to southern forces. 3.the Confederacy elected a president
As a result of the Bear Flag Revolt, Captain John C. Frémont 1. drove out the Mexican army. 2.moved into California. 3.crossed into New Mexico.
The Civil War began with the 1. illegal formation of the Confederate States of America. 2.attack on Lawrence, Kansas, a center of free-soiler activity. 3.Confederate attack on Fort Sumter.
Maryland, Delaware, Kentucky, and Missouri 1.Upper South 2.Lower South 3.Border States
California 1.Union State 2.Confederate State 3.Disputed Territory
Texas 1. Union State 2. Confederate State 3. Disputed Territory
In the Dred Scott decision, Chief Justice ____ upheld the right of slaveholders to take their slaves anywhere in the United States and keep them as slaves. 1. Charles Sumner 2.Daniel Webster 3.Roger Taney
____ helped to defeat the Mexican Army in California. 1. Zachary Taylor 2. Winfield Scott 3. John C. Fremont
In Congress, Senator ____ of Massachusetts gave a powerful antislavery speech entitled “The Crime Against Kansas.” 1. Charles Sumner 2.Preston Brooks 3.Andrew Butler
Belief that native-born Americans should receive better treatment than immigrants 1. Prejudice 2. Nativism 3. Populism
Letting the people of a territory decide whether to allow slavery in their area 1. Popularity Contest 2.Popular Vote 3.Popular Sovereignty